You’ve decided to try a natural cure for your illness or condition. You’ve visited the best herbalist in town and come home with some great natural remedies. Storing dried medicinal herbs properly isn’t difficult. It is essential. People are returning to medicinal herbs as natural cures. The average person knows little about storing dried medicinal herbs to retain potency. Improperly stored medicinal herbs lose effectiveness quickly. Keep your dried medicinal herbs fresh with proper storage techniques.

Buying Dried Medicinal Herbs

Always buy herbs in the smallest quantity needed. Even when storing dried medicinal herbs properly, large quantities can spoil before use. Be sure to buy your medicinal herbs from an herbalist or a store specializing in natural remedies. Beware of large price differences. This can indicate an inferior or ‘cut’ product. It may contain filler ingredients.

Keep Dried Medicinal Herbs Cool

Dried medicinal herbs keep best in a cool environment. Heat can cause essential plant oils to evaporate. This reduces the potency of dried medicinal herbs. Choose a cool room in which to store your natural remedies. This holds true for bottled essential oils as well. In addition to keeping herbs cool, they must be kept at the right humidity.

Keep Dried Medicinal Herbs Dry

Excess moisture in the air can cause dried medicinal herbs to mold and spoil. When storing dried medicinal herbs, choose a dry location. A basement is fine in the arid Western United States. On the other hand, if you live in a humid area, the basement may be too damp for herb storage. Molds can contaminate medicinal herbs, rendering them useless or even dangerous.

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Keep Dried Medicinal Herbs in the Dark

Light is damaging to both fresh and dried medicinal herbs. It can quickly deteriorate the quality of herbs. Light can even cause chemical changes in fresh and dried medicinal herbs. Ever notice the brown bottles at the herbalist? These are to keep light from penetrating the glass. Light ages all living things, whether animal or vegetable.

Keep Dried Medicinal Herbs Airtight

Herbs need some air circulation while drying to prevent molding. Once herbs are dried, seal them in airtight jars for storage. This will keep them from drying further and losing potency. Store in small jars. Why? Using large containers means you will be opening and re-opening the whole batch too many times. Small containers will keep your unopened herbs fresh longer.

Keep Dried Medicinal Herbs in Glass

Glass is the best material for storing dried medicinal herbs. Why? Plastic emits fumes that can contaminate and spoil herbs. What’s the best type of glass container to use? Canning jars are wonderful because they have a rubber seal. They aren’t made from dark glass, so keep them in a cool, dark place. The best option for smaller quantities are covered brown glass apothecary jars.

Testing the Freshness of Dried Medicinal Herbs

Storing dried medicinal herbs properly doesn’t mean they will last forever. How do you know your medicinal herbs are fresh? Fresh herbs will be more intense in color. If you notice your medicinal herbs are fading, it’s time to get a new batch. Fresh medicinal herbs will also have a stronger odor than those that have lost potency. If you can no longer smell your herbs, they are probably expired.

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