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The Health Benefits of Pineapple

Bromelain, Exotic Fruit, Vitamins and Nutrients

Pineapple is a very delicious fruit. It is, of course, known as a tropical fruit. Many find pineapple as a very luxurious or even exotic fruit. One of the things that little people know about pineapple, however, is the fact that it does provide a wide variety of health benefits. Here, we will take a much closer look at the health benefits of pineapple, which really may encourage you to eat this delicious fruit on a more frequent basis.

Pineapple May Prevent Constipation

As with a wide variety of other fruits, pineapple prevents constipation. It is also may relieve constipation once you already have it. The main reason is because pineapple does contain fiber, which helps with regulation. Many people believe that the best way to get the fiber needed to prevent constipation is to drink pineapple juice. In reality, the best way to get the natural fiber is through eating the fruit, as many pineapple juices tend to consist mainly of sweeteners and other additives.

Pineapple Contains a Variety of Nutrients

Aside from fiber, there are many other essential nutrients and vitamins that can be found in pineapple. Some of the main vitamins and nutrients that can be found in pineapple include Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium and Potassium. It is very debatable as to what the best source of these vitamins and nutrients are. While they can be consumed through pineapple juice and canned or frozen pineapple, it is believed that the best source for these nutrients is fresh pineapple.

Pineapple Can Help Prevent Nausea

One of the lesser known health benefits of pineapple is the fact that it prevents nausea. Some of the instances in which you may want to consider using pineapple to prevent nausea are when you are pregnant and know that you may experience morning sickness or when you are planning on taking a trip that you know you may become motion sick during. While you can prevent nausea by eating pineapple fruit, it is believed that drinking pineapple juice is a better way to do so and may provide you with the most protection against nausea.

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Pineapple May Relieve Coughs or Colds

As previously mentioned, pineapple is a good source of Vitamin C. For this reason, pineapple works much the same way that orange juice does when it comes to relieving a cold. However, there is one thing that pineapple can do that orange juice can’t. It contains something called Bromelain, which is known to help relieve or even stop coughs altogether. The main reason is because it is anti-inflammatory and, ultimately, it is known to help with the loosening of mucus.

Pineapple Can Provide Relief to Arthritis

Bromelain, the anti-inflammatory property of pineapple, is not only known to provide relief to coughs and colds. It is also known to provide relief to arthritis. In order to experience the effectiveness of the Bromelain found in pineapple, the best thing that you can do is eat pineapple every day. While it is believed that you can get it through a variety of different forms of pineapple, the best option would be to eat fresh pineapple.

As you can see, there a number of health benefits that pineapple is able to provide the body with. Pineapple is also often accredited with strengthening the bones, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, protecting the eyes against macular degeneration and producing energy in the body. Aside from the fact that pineapple is a very delicious fruit, there is no doubt that there are a number of different reasons to want to eat it as well!