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All-Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion: From Onions to Hot Tea

Congestion, Curry Powder, Mucus

Home remedies have been around for generations to cure common ailments. The best way to treat any aliment is to learn the history of what causes it. Chest congestion is another form of sinusitis. The symptoms associated with this aliment are stuffy/runny nose, mucus, and sore throat. Those are just a few symptoms for which to look.

This article will explore a few options that are natural to use. Natural remedies are great aliments to treat and cure common ailments. There are more treatments to treat the symptoms of chest congestion. A doctor visit isn’t always necessary to visit when you can treat common ailments. These are natural remedy recipes have been handed down from generation to generation.

Home remedy #1: Onions have been a natural remedy for many common ailments. A sautéed and curried onion is the cure for chest congestion. Two onions, extra-virgin olive oil and curry powder are all you need to treat this aliment. The onions should be sliced thinly and sautéed in 1 teaspoon of curry powder with two tablespoons of the virgin olive oil.

This treatment isn’t good on the breath. But it works wonders for the congestion. Just does sauté onions on a plate of rice help congestion? The secret ingredients in this treatment are the sulfur and querectin found in the onions. These two ingredients break up the mucus. What is the purpose of the curry powder in this recipe? The curry powder looses up the phlegm that associates with the chest congestion.

Home remedy #2: Hot tea isn’t just to soothe the sore throat. For generations tea has been a treatment for aliments. What most do not is that hot tea is a soothing agent in treating chest congestion. The hot tea loosens and breaks up the mucus. Not only will it break up the mucus, it will moisten the throat.

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Home remedy #3: Spicy foods are good to clear up sinuses and a stuffy nose. What most do not realize is that spicy foods break up the mucus of chest congestion. The hot spicy ingredients do wonders for those who are suffering from chest congestion.

Home remedy #4: Fennel is a natural herb used for a variety of things. Fennel has been proven to clear up the mucus from the lungs. For better results with the fennel is best to have fennel sautéed. You can even add a bit of curry powder to the fennel. This will increase your chances of clearing up the mucus caused by the chest congestion.

Home remedy #5: Another natural herb to break up the nasty mucus associated with colds and chest congestion is parsley. Parsley can be added to practically any dish. If you are the type who doesn’t enjoy the taste of parsley, I am sure a trip to your local herb store, might be helpful to you. The parsley helps to release the body’s histamines. This is used as a natural healer for this aliment.

Common ailments have been treated for generations by our ancestors. In our history, our ancestors couldn’t always afford to see a doctor to treat these aliments. Natural healers were created from nature to help ease and cure those tough, common ailments.

Natural remedies are a substitute to curing all types of sickness. The only way to really know if these remedies are for you and your illness is to give them a try. Best wishes to treat this aliment and other ailments.

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Maria Noel Madile, “50 Home remedies that work: these safe, fast, and effective fixes will relieve what ails you-Cover story.
Health911.com, “Coughs.”
Anniesremedy.com, “Chest Congestion home herbal remedies.”
ehealthMD.com,”What are the symptoms of sinusitis?”