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A Guide to Haunted Roads in Indiana

In Indiana there are many stories of haunted places, but the more interesting stories are of the haunted roads.

Elizaville Road in Boone is also haunted. People report seeing a large man or a creature that looks like a man. The stories have been around since the 1920’s, with locals claiming the man is obviously looking for something. Legend also claims that the man is responsible for the deaths and disappearances of dozens of people over the years.

In Brushy Prairie, US Highway 20 is haunted by a mysterious woman in white. The woman can be seen early in the morning walking down the road towards the local cemetery in her wedding dress. The woman always disappears when cars stop.

An area nearby State Route 6 in Butler is known as the Land of Moses. After following a side road you’ll find a small cemetery and crematorium. The road passes onto an area called gypsy hill, where local gypsies supposedly once met in secret. Supposedly this group raped a local girl and her father formed a vigilante group.

The group murdered all the gypsies involved that night, but then each member of the group mysteriously died themselves. Legend claims that the ghosts of the gypsies murdered each man. Today people claim that those ghosts still inhabit the small patch of land on the road.

Centerville’s Blue Clay Falls is haunted by a rogue group. Drivers pass by this ragtag group of people carrying a lantern, only to look in their rearview mirror and see the group disappear. In Chesterton the town has a ghost road. Supposedly a woman once arrived home to find her house on fire and no sign of her son or his babysitter. She went into the woods thinking he escaped, but he died in the house fire. Today she wanders the woods beside the road still looking for a sign of him.

Moody Lane in Francesville is haunted by the ghosts of two brothers. The two men were riding in a buggy when one fell out and was decapitated when the buggy rolled over him. One brother can be seen walking through the fields with a lantern, looking for his brother’s head.

Reeder Road in Griffith is haunted by a woman named Elizabeth Wilson. During the 1950’s a car veered off the road into the swamp and the woman drowned. Her body was buried in the nearby Ross Cemetery. The woman is sometimes seen walking along the side of the road and legend claims that if you pick her up, she’ll disappear when you get to the cemetery.

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There is a second version of the story and this one takes a different perspective on a classic urban legend tale. A couple were parked on the side of the road when they heard a noise outside. The boy went to investigate, and when he didn’t return, the girl climbed out of the car to find him hanging from a tree above the car. It’s hard to believe that anyone would find these stories true.

A bride haunts Ridge Road in Hammond. The woman was on her way to her wedding when she fell in the river and drowned. Her ghost is seen in the area as well as the ghost of a little girl who died in a car accident.

In LaPorte, look for the haunted Hangman’s Road. A couple were coming back from a date when their car died. The man went for help, but came back to find his girlfriend’s body hanging from a tree. People now claim to see weird things including bodies hanging from trees and people in the woods. Nearby is Hook Mans Road where people occasionally see the ghost of a pirate with a hook for a hand.

Phegley Highway is LaCrosse is also rumored to be haunted. The ghosts of two men carrying a lantern are often seen walking on the nearby railroad tracks. An older man is sometimes seen on Coldwater Road in Leo, Indiana. The man is only see late at night and many people think he comes from the nearby cemetery.

Lowell has a haunted area near the intersection of 173rd Avenue and Holtz Road. While coasting over one hill you’ll see what looks like the lights of an ambulance and a large accident. By the time you reach the top of the second hill though, all signs of the accident are gone.

Slaughter House Road in Macy got its name from the phantom slaughter house that sometimes appears. The slaughter house was torn down a number of years ago and now there is only debris left. A number of people claim that all traces of the slaughter house disappear at night. In addition there are stories of phantom cows seen in the area, when no cows are actually there.

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A similar story is told about Olson Road in Rochester. The old slaughterhouse on the road seems to disappear and reappear depending on the time of day. Those who have seen it claim that when they tried to find it, the building disappeared again.

Marion has the haunted Charles Road. A family on their way to church disappeared in the middle of winter. Since they were such a church going and religious family, other members of the congregation formed a search party to look for them. They found the buggy on the side of the road and the entire family spread out in the woods, all missing their heads. Now people hear the sounds of people screaming in the area.

Hamilton Road in Mulberry is supposedly one of the more haunted roads in Indiana. People claim to see a man in their rearview mirror chasing them down the road, though he can only be seen in their mirrors. Further up the road is the burned out remains of an old church where some people claim they’ve seen a fire burning. The church burned down in the 1800’s and all the parishioners were killed inside. Also on this road is a haunted railroad where a boy was killed. People claim the boy leaves handprints on their car.

Old Porter Road in portage is haunted by strange creatures. There have been a number of tragic accidents on this stretch of road over the years, which some attribute to these odd figures. The creatures are described as looking like tall and skinny dogs with glowing yellow eyes. Travel to nearby Stagecoach Road where you can see figures in old fashioned clothing and strange lights in the sky.

Ridgeville has the aptly named Sleepy Hollow Road. The road itself is so dark that you need to use your headlights to see even in the middle of the day. Supposedly a bus full of high school students broke down and were stranded on a side road when they got lost on their way. People who travel down a side road claim to see dark figures chasing them.

Homeowners on Eureka Road in Rockport report some strange occurrences. There are stories of a ghostly train and hearing two men talking. They also see things move on their own and have problems with their electricity.

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On River Road in Shelby people sometimes report hearing a man crying for help and seeing him standing on the side of the road in obvious distress. In South Bend, Sycamore Road is where people see phantom cars that chase them down the road.

Primrose Road, also in South Bend, has several legends attached to it. Locals claim that you must keep your speed between 20-30 mph or your car will either suddenly die or have your tires slashed. As you walk down the street you’ll see a phantom farmhouse appear and have your cell phone stop working. A woman appears outside the farmhouse and either grants you great luck or horrible luck depending on how she feels about you. You’ll know what kind of luck you get by whether or not your car is there when you go back.

Further down this road people claim to see a different farmhouse and hear horses running through the woods, or actually see the phantom horses. There are also stories of eyes seen in the wood and satanic cults practicing there. One cult supposedly killed a young woman who now haunts a lake located on the road.

State Road 25 in Warsaw is also known to locals as the Devil’s Back Bone. A horse and buggy ran into a patch of quicksand and sank, killing the family inside. People sometimes hear the sound of the horse running down the road and the people screaming.

Lastly, check out the Austin Arnold Road in Winslow. A man who lived there went insane when he discovered that the land around him was being purchased by a coal mining company. He killed his family, destroyed his crops, burned down his house, killed his dog, and finally killed himself. People report seeing a dense fog settle over the road and feeling cold spots.


