Articles for tag: Security Deposits, Small Claims Court

Karla News

How to Win Your Case in Small Claims Court – Tips on

Small Claims Court is normally the legal place to visit if you are owed money and have been unable to collect it. As long as the amount due falls under the legal limit, that is. The limit you can sue for in Small Claims Court varies from state to state. It runs as low as ...

Karla News

Appealing a Small Claims Court Decision

It is rare that a small claims court decision is appealed, though it does happen under limited circumstances. Typically, the courts allow only the defendant to appeal, and do not give that option to the plaintiff if he or she loses the case. The statute of limitations on small claims court appeals is usually between ...

Karla News

Security Deposits- Protecting Your Rights as a Renter

Security deposit refund: Renting a house or apartment is the way to go if you don’t plan to be in an area long, or just don’t think it’s the right time to buy. Coming up with the first month’s rent and the security deposit can be a real strain on most budgets. Then when the ...

Karla News

How Much Can You Win in a Small Claims Court?

This is a question that comes up quite often with regard to small claims court: how much can you win? That question can be answered differently with each case that goes before a small claims court judge, but there are a few guidelines that you can use to find out just how much you will ...

Karla News

Preparing for Small Claims Court

My divorced-family childhood was riddled with my parents’ threats of “I’m going to take you to court!” and a brutal, pervasive child custody battle over my brother and myself, which involved screaming matches no one wants to remember. Throw in cutting bitterness over child support and alimony, and there you have it. I grew up ...

Karla News

5 Matters that Aren’t Worth Taking to Small Claims Court

Heading to small claims court can be a great way for individuals to receive money that is owed to them or something similar to that. Nearly anyone can file a claim against another person, assuming he or she is of legal age. Of course, you need to bring proof to your hearing to ensure that ...

Karla News

Michigan Mini Tort Claims – How to Apply

Michigan’s no-fault insurance laws do not require collision coverage. That is where the limited property damage liability or mini-tort provision comes into play. Limited property damage liability, known as the mini-tort exception allows for Michigan accident victims to recover up to $500 of their vehicle repair costs under certain circumstances. The purpose is to compensate ...

Karla News

5 Tips for Winning a Small Claims Case

You might end up in small claims court one day. On such an occasion, you will either have to defend yourself or argue your case. Either way, you want to end up being the winning party. The only thing that really matters is that you either recoup the cost of going to court and are ...