Karla News

Workout for Apple Shapes

Your Body Type: You carry most of your weight in your torso. You may even carry some of it in your arms.

Now I’m not one to compare my body to the next woman in line, but let’s face it, whether we admit it or not, every once in a while we do compare our looks to those glamorous celebs. So I’ve done a little a research. Your body type is like that of Catherine Zeta-Jones. Yes, she’s apple shaped too.

I personally know a handful of women who hate being apple shaped. They squeeze their bellies and criticize their bodies like no tomorrow. I know firsthand what that insecurity and frustration feels like. So in the name of trying to lend a helping hand, I decided to do an experimentation of my own. Here’s the conclusion I drew from all this:

Cardio: Running, jumping rope, and jumping jacks are the best cardio exercises for apple shapes. Exercises like these burn fat in the stomach and arms. For some, results may be instant, for others that may not always be the case. I encourage you to do all of these exercises for a total of twenty minutes (do each exercise for about seven minutes). They’re also great fat blasters if you do them really fast for one minute.

Note: Eating popcorn and drinking soda makes you bloated. Your stomach may actually be smaller than it appears, but because you’re so bloated it’s hard for you to tell. Here’s your challenge: Go on an entire week without drinking anything but water. Avoid popcorn and eat asparagus instead. I know, asparagus may not be the tastiest of all the vegetables, but believe it or not, this “nasty” little vegetable actually drains the water from the stomach. Does it dehydrate you? No. I wouldn’t recommend it if it did. It does however make your stomach flatter. How do I know? I tried it myself. I’ve been hooked ever since.

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Strength training: For eight minutes, work those abs. If you’re the type that hates doing crunches, you’re in luck. I found a couple strength training exercises that are perfect for tweaking that waistline.

Belly dancing: Go on youtube.com and type in “How To Belly Dance. I’ve provided the link in the bottom right hand corner of the page. It will be in the “Resources” section. Belly dancing is a fun sexy way to stay in shape, and it really does work. Challenge: Belly dance for eight minutes straight.

Spinal Twist: Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Take your left hand and place it on your right knee. Take your right hand and put it behind you. Move only your torso and turn to look to the side. Stay there for three seconds, and then twist a little more so that you’re angled at a forty-five. Hold for three seconds and then twist again so that you’re looking behind you. Remember to move only your torso. Return to the front and then do the same thing on the opposite side. This is an amazing stretch for the back and it also pinches in your waist line making it more narrow.

Note: Only twist as much as you can. If you twist too hard, you could throw a disk. Like any other exercise, you must be cognizant of your motions.

Do this workout routine four times a week for four weeks. You’ll see your body begin to change. Best wishes and have fun working it!
