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5 Ways to Treat Depression Naturally

Beat Depression

Depression is a big word. Sometimes it means you need a little boost to help you shake the blues. Sometimes depression means you need to seek medical help.

For those times when you are feeling the doldrums or maybe a little depressed there are things that you can do to give yourself a boost. Sometimes it is the small things that you do every day that will make the biggest difference in the way you feel over the long-haul.

With that in mind, here are 5 natural ways to help you beat depression.

5 Ways to Naturally Beat Depression – Exercise

I know, being depressed it may make you to tired to even think about exercise, but if you really want to beat back depression naturally giving your heart rate a little boost may be just the thing you need. Studies show that even a little bit of exercise can help you feel better. Exercise causes your body to produce endorphines which help you feel better. Take a few minutes out of each day for a power walk or join your local gym. You’ll be surprised at how good you will begin to feel.

Exercise also helps you feel better about yourself, which is another mitigating factor in dealing with depression. There are just too many benefits to ignore exercise.

5 Ways to Naturally Beat Depression – Green Tea

According to Psychology Today, green tea is not only full of antioxidants, but it is also able to boost the availability of dopamine to the brain. Dopamine is significant to signaling the brain to feel good, thus helping lift you out of your depressed mood. Green tea is also believed to help the brain keep a steady supply of its favorite fuel, glucose.

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There are multiple benefits of drinking green tea, lie boosting your metabolism, but if it also gives you a serotonin boost green tea is worth a try to naturally chase away the blues.

5 Ways to Naturally Beat Depression – Vitamin B

The Mayo Clinic explains that doctors have long recognized the relationship between B-12 and other B vitamins and moods. Poor nutrition in general tends to exacerbate depression, and low levels of B vitamins may make the problem even worse.

If you have a mild case of depression take a look at your daily nutrition. Be sure that you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals that you need. If you decide against taking a multivitamin consider taking a B complex supplement. Give it time to work and evaluate the difference in your mood.

5 Ways to Naturally Beat Depression – Set goals

Sometimes, when you are feeling depressed just getting out of bed is a chore, but is essential that you not give up all of your responsibilities when you are depressed. Set small daily goals that will encourage you to get up and get about your business. You will find that as you get involved in life that there is lest time to ruminate on the problems that are depressing you.

One great way rid yourself of depression is by reaching out to help others. Sometimes, when you recognize the plight of others it is easier to see that things for you are not as bad as they may have seemed.

5 Ways to Naturally Beat Depression – Journal

Some doctors believe that writing in a daily journal may help you work through the fear, unhappiness, or other emotions that cause you to get stuck in depression. You may choose to write about your daily feelings and experiences as a way to work through them, thus getting yourself unstuck.

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An alternative means of using journaling to help you deal with depression is to create a happiness journal. Write down all the good things that happen to you during the day or things for which you are thankful. It is great way to refocus your attention from the things that drag you down and depress you.

Writing may help you look at subjective feelings more objectively, thus helping naturally clear your mind of depressive thoughts.


Green Tea on the Brain, Psychology Today
Natural Depression Treatments, Webmd.com
What is the relationship between vitamin B-12 and Depression, MayoClinic.com
Writing Your Way out of Depression, Medicinenet.com