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5 Bad Ways to Deal With Stress

Stress is a part of everyday life. However, it is the way that you deal with the stress in your life that determines how it will impact your health, mental stability and quality of life. Most people are able to deal with their stress effectively, however, there are common ways that we deal with stress that can create problems. To avoid the problems associated with these common stress management faux pas you need to know what they are.

#1 – Ignore It

The first common mistake that we make about daily stress is ignoring it. Ignoring a stressor will not make it go away and it can actually make the stress worse. It is important to acknowledge the stressor and to find a way to deal with the stress in a productive way. For example, if you are under stress at work because you are having a hard time keeping up with your work load then talk with your supervisor. See if you can get help with your project or if you can get an extension on the project so that you don’t have to feel so rushed or overwhelmed.

#2 – Over Think Your Stress

Another mistake that you can make about stress is to think too much about what is stressing you out. In most cases the source of your stress is going to be pretty easy to identify. The most common stressors include being overworked, not getting enough sleep, dealing with family issues and trying to balance work and home life. In most cases you are going to know what is stressing you out so don’t try to find some secret stressor.

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#3 – Smoke

Many people deal with stress by smoking. Nicotine is a depressant and it is used by those addicted to cigarettes and other tobacco products to ease stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, the depressant qualities of nicotine found in cigarettes can make you feel worse than before, and the other ingredients in cigarettes can lead to serious health problems like lung cancer.

#4 – Drink

Drinking is another bad way to deal with stress. Alcohol is another depressant. It is used to help ease the anxiety that normally accompanies stress. Alcohol can become an addiction and it has negative impacts on both your psychological and physical health.

#5 – Shut Down

Another bad way to deal with stress is to completely shut down. This happens when you stop functioning because your stress level has overwhelmed your psychical and mental reserves. When you reach this point your stress has taken over your life. This is why it is so important to deal with stress as it occurs, as opposed to ignoring it or dealing with it in an inappropriate manner. Your best option is to deal with stress when it is still mild or moderate. This is when stress is the easiest to handle and manage. However, if you have gotten to the point where you have shut down then you will need to seek professional help to get your mind and body back on track. Then you will need to learn hwo to better deal with your stress.