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5 Ways to Make Passive Income Online

Passive Income

Some people will spend most if not all of their most formidable years working their time away. Fortunately, there’s a little known way of making money work for you called Passive Income. Passive income basically is income generated on a constant basis, that you work for initially, but then magically perpetuates by itself. There are many ways to generate decent streams of passive income for yourself, but only a handful that can be done online.

Create an Ebook. In today’s world of endless technology online, it’s not incredibly difficult to create an Ebook of your very own containing some sort of useful information that you have to pass on. The Ebook doesn’t really even have to be that long. You choose how much to charge for it. The best part is, there’s no fee to print or publish it, since with one easy click, your customers can simply download a PDF copy of it!

There are many different sites as well as free online software that can also make your Ebook making experience easier. Some of these sites and services are even free of charge. If you own an Ecommerce site of your own, you can add a shopping cart to your site and accept payments through PayPal if you wish.

Affiliate Sites. Many different companies have allowed the public to become affiliate marketers of their products for which they will gladly pay. Amazon is one such site as well as ClickBank. These sites allow you to choose from their vast array of products and services, and then allow you to advertise for them. In return, they give you a percentage of the sale profit. If done correctly and with much thought behind it, this can be a very lucrative business. The amount you may get per sale or per click (as it were) will all just depend on the product or service you choose to market for the company. Some of the services on ClickBank boast up to $35 per customer that signs up!

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Membership Sites. Have a service you think is valuable? Think people might pay a monthly fee to have it? Then you might consider offering a monthly membership site for that service. You can always begin a small website, if you don’t already have one, and then just add a shopping cart feature to it. With a little fine tuning and a stellar membership idea, you’re all set! Soon, customers will be clambering to become members of your service. You can even set the shopping cart up to bill people each time their membership expires automatically. This is where the real money will start to roll in, and better yet, with no work on your part.

Sell your photos online. There are many sites such as istock, that will gladly pay you if someone likes a stock photo you’ve taken. Once someone decides they’d like to use your photo, istock will pay you a nominal fee each time they or anyone else uses it. If you have more than a handful of photos that are highly desirable, all you’d need to do is upload them to the site and then your work is all done. Then, you’d simply sit back and enjoy the proceeds that follow.

Write online articles. A lot of sites such as Demand Studios will actually pay you to write various articles online. Some offer up front type payments for the work, but a majority of the sites offer revenue sharing. This means that depending on how many views your article may receive, you would get a percentage of the profit. Here’s where the nice part comes in though. If you do get any acclaim with the article views, then the profit you receive is generally each month- forever. As long as the article continues to get views you’re getting paid!