Articles for tag: Customer Service Jobs

Karla News

Home Based Sales Rep and Customer Service Jobs with Hotels

For those of you looking for legitimate work from home opportunities, I will start writing about various job opportunities that I find. Most of these jobs can be found by doing Internet searches, but I know many people are either busy or need help with finding legitimate work from home jobs, so I’m here to ...

Karla News

How to Get a Job Fast in This Market

Finding a summer job or employment at all right now can be tough. If you are young and in school or even just out of school it can be hard to find any jobs at all. But getting a job does not have to be difficult. There are some jobs out there that are hiring ...

Rude Customers: Are They Worth the Aggravation?

Rudeness among customers seems to be a growing trend these days, making customer service jobs more challenging than ever – even for the most hard-working, long-suffering professional. Some people chalk it up as part of the territory and therefore either shy away from customer service jobs or go into them with a specific end date ...

Karla News

Learn the Secrets to Making Legit Money Online

Are you tired of not being able to make money online? Are you tired of all the scams and false promises out there? I am! It seems everyone you look online, people are trying to sell info. It seems all these place are really scam artists taking our money. I have even heard horror stories ...

Alpine Access: A Great Work from Home Job Opportunity

Alpine Access is a very good company that hires people to work from home. Alpine hires people to do customer service/sales work from their home. Don’t let the sales part scare you off, it’s not “real” or pressure sales, you just need to offer customers additional products and services. It is part of the scripts ...