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Your Guide to Eating Out as a Diabetic

Diabetes, Eating Out

Whether you plan to have an important family dinner, meet a friend for lunch, or just interested in getting take-out due to convenience purposes, eating out does play quite a significant role in our lives. It is important to keep in mind that diabetics need to be much more conscious than other people when they eat out, due to obvious health reasons. Planning ahead is often necessary, as simply looking at a menu for a few minutes is usually not the easiest thing for a diabetic to do. Here, we will take a closer look at some of the very important things that any diabetic should know about dining out.

Eating Out as a Diabetic Tip #1: Skip the Potatoes

It is important to keep in mind that diabetics should not eat a large amount of potatoes, whether they are in French fries form, mashed or baked. The main reason is because the high level of carbohydrates that potatoes contain are known to increase your blood sugar levels. Limiting the amount of potatoes that you eat, or completely eliminating them, is your best option as a diabetic when you eat out. Request a healthy side vegetable or coleslaw instead of French fries or a baked potato whenever possible.

Eating Out as a Diabetic Tip #2: Choose Whole Wheat Products

A common misconception is that diabetics cannot have carbohydrates at all. The truth in the matter is that can, but it is important to know what types are the “good carbs” and the “bad carbs.” Whenever possible, it is important to opt for wheat breads and pastas rather than white breads and pastas. It is also important to order brown rice rather than white rice. If you did not already know, fried rice is white rice, so you will want to avoid this type of rice also. Most diabetics find that the hardest place to eat at is an Italian or Chinese restaurant, mostly because white rice or pasta are the main options available to you.

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Eating Out as a Diabetic Tip #3: Know What You’re Eating

One of the main reasons that diabetics often have problems eating out at restaurants is because they do not know exactly what nutritional value the foods on the menu have. It is pretty important for a diabetic to be aware of how many grams of sugar, carbohydrates, fat and calories a certain food on the menu may have. Many restaurants, such as Applebee’s, have menus available which shows this information available for you to read. Some fast food restaurants even have them nowadays. If you are not provided with a menu like this, it is important to keep in mind that they are often available on request.

Eating Out as a Diabetic Tip #4: Always Opt for Reduced Sugar or Fat Choices

Choosing reduced sugar or fat choices when ordering is always the best way to go if you are diabetic. Many also recommend that you opt for small portion sizes, though it is important to keep in mind that this should depend on the meal which you are ordering. If you have ordered a large leafy green salad, then a smaller portion may not be necessary. However, foods which are high in fat, carbohydrates or calories should probably be ordered in small portions.

Eating Out as a Diabetic Tip #5: Only Eat Out in Moderation

Much the same way that anyone who is being conscious about their health or weight would only eat out in moderation, it is a good idea for you to do so as well. One of the main reasons is because we often feel like we should indulge when we go out, which often means that we are not eating healthy. A diabetic’s diet should consist mainly of healthy vegetables, whole wheat carbohydrates, lean meats, and limited fruits. Even the healthiest options on restaurant menus are often high in fats, carbohydrates and calories – all of which should be avoided if you are watching your health.