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Gynecomastia: Causes and Treatments for Man Boobs

Anabolic Steroids, Gynecomastia, Male Breasts

Gynecomastia also know as man boobs (not a very flattering term) is a condition in which the male breasts takes on more of a feminine breasts appearance. Whether it is just an accumulation of fatty tissue in or around the breast or an actual condition caused by hormonal imbalance, is a treatable condition. This article will look at some of the causes and possible treatments for Gynecomastia.

As newborns, estrogen from our mothers sometimes results in gynecomastia however this usually goes away within two to three weeks. Up to 33% of teenage males deal with Gynecomastia because of the hormonal changes taking place within the body during puberty. As you can see man boobs can be a problem at any age. In adult males the problem is a lot less common however probably a lot more problematic.

How did I get Man Boobs?

There are a variety of ways to get Gynecomastia, simply being overweight is one common reason. Everyone’s body is different which means one person may store excess body fat evenly over the entire body, and the next guy may primarily store a majority of his fat in the upper torso giving him the appearance of man boobs.

Gynecomastia is often caused from certain medication, Cimetidine is a drug that helps with the treatment of ulcers and is a prime example. Other medications that can contribute are chemotherapy drugs, anti-androgen and even epilepsy drugs. We also could look at very common prescriptions such as some heart medications, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressants.

Another possibility for obtaining the dreaded man boob syndrome is the use of anabolic steroids. Lots of young men have experimented with steroids in order to achieve a bigger stronger body. Afterwards, sometimes months later, finding out that steroids actually suppress your natural testosterone levels leaving them with higher estrogen levels than normal and leaving the mark of man boobs as evidence.

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Medications or recreational steroid use are not always the culprit. Very few men actually know that drinking alcoholic beverages can give you man boobs. Use of marijuana, methamphetamines and heroin are all possible causes.Sometimes Gynecomastia is a symptom of another potentially serious underlying problem such as cancer of the liver, lungs or certain cancer found in the testicles, the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland.

How do I get Rid of my Man Boobs?

The good news is that the man boob syndrome is totally treatable. In some cases the Gynecomastia actually will clear up on its own, but I don’t think I would play the wait and see game. Other times the condition will require surgery to completely get rid of the problem. This remedy can have a profound effect on your wallet, usually costing somewhere in the neighborhood of $3,000 to $6,000. Maybe we should leave the surgery option as a last resort.

So what can you do to get rid of these unsightly “things”? A lot actually, in some cases you may find that your medication is the cause in which case you may want to talk to your Doctor about switching medications.
Gynecomastia caused by the use of anabolic steroids is a little more tricky. If the symptoms are still relatively new or just showing up, such as sensitive areas in or around the nipple area, or a small lump in the same region you may have to begin taking an estrogen blocker. Many bodybuilders keep these on hand “just in case”. However, if left untreated for a prolonged period of time, the man boobs may become permanent only being able to be removed by a surgeon.

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If your condition is primarily caused from being overweight there is plenty you can do, as this is not hormone induced it is the easiest to treat. A diet that is low in fat and carbohydrates and moderately high in protein, combined with resistance training (weight lifting) and aerobic exercises should get you the results you desire. However, you must give this time because you can not choose WHERE you loose fat. There is no such thing a losing fat in just your stomach, arms, or chest. When you lose weight it comes off the entire body in a uniform manner. For this reason a reduction in the appearance of your man boobs will take a little time before you begin to see a significant change.

Remember a lot can be done to prevent and/or eliminate the appearance of the dreaded Man Boobs. Hopefully this article will give you a little insight into some of the causes and treatments available.