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Wrong Ways to Diet

Fad Diets

For six to eight months out of the year, people are obsessed with losing weight. These people will do anything that it takes to lose weight, even if it means going on an extreme diet. As time goes on, these people do see results and continue with the wrong eating habits, which may cause more harm than good. While there are several ways to diet, many people choose to stick with the wrong ways.

Wrong Ways to Diet #1: Cutting Too Many Calories

This is something that people often turn to when they are frustrated by their weight. People have been known to cut their calories down to 500 a day and sometimes less. There are several reasons why this is a wrong way to diet. First of all, you are starving your body. Your body needs so many calories in order to function properly. Your weight will determine how many calories that you need. Another reason this is a wrong way diet is when you cut too many calories you slow down your metabolism. When your metabolism slows down, your body will hang onto any calories that you consume. When your metabolism is working properly, your body burns calories rather than storing them. As you continue to diet this way, you will find that you are losing weight, but where is that weight coming from? Many people do not realize that their body is actually breaking down muscle for nourishment. Dieting in this way leads to several health risks including bone loss, and hypothermia.

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Wrong Ways to Diet #2: Diet Pills

Diet pills are yet another one of the wrong ways to diet. Many people turn to these popular pills for quick results. Unfortunately, people don’t think about the health risks involved with many of these pills. Diet pills that curb your appetite have been known to completely take away a person’s appetite, so much so that the person doesn’t eat for days. Also some people, who have taken these pills, have died from heart attacks. The FDA is constantly pulling diet pills off the shelves claiming they are unsafe. Are you willing to put your life on the line just to lose that extra weight?

Wrong Ways to Diet #3: Fad Diets

Fad diets are wrong for so many different reasons. First of all, many fad diets completely cut out food groups. For example, many people go on high protein diets and limit their intake of carbs. Some people even try to completely remove carbs from their diet altogether. Your body needs a variety of different foods, which is why diets that only allow you to eat one food are also unhealthy. You may think it’s great to be able to eat all the ice cream you want, but what is that doing to your body?

When choosing a new diet, look at it closely. Is it healthy? Will you be getting a variety of different foods? Use common sense and avoid diets which may be the wrong solution. Instead, stick with sensible plans like Weight Watchers.

See also  Eight Reasons Why Fad Diets Don't Work
