Articles for tag: Cheap Cigarettes, Health Risks for Smokers, Secondhand Smoke

Karla News

Statistics About Smoking Cigarettes

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. Simply search online and you can find thousands upon thousands of reports that are telling you to quit and steps on how to do it. If you think about it, though, how big of a problem has smoking become for the world? What are some scientific facts ...

3 Reasons Why People Smoke

Because of widespread media attention, it would be safe to assume that almost all people know at least some of the adverse effects of smoking. Smoking is responsible for about 90% of lung cancer deaths as well as being a significant and primary causative factor in many emphysema and heart disease cases. In America, it ...

Karla News

Are Secondhand Smoke Effects Overstated?

Secondhand smoke is a sore topic for smoking-ban advocates and detractors alike. Recent news show that tobacco users and those opposed to smoking bans are gaining traction with an unlikely ally: science. Or are they? Secondhand Smoke in the News “There are no safe levels of secondhand smoke in the workplace.” This is the beginning ...

Karla News

Cigarettes Contain Harmful Ingredients

You’ve seen the commercials that say cigarettes kill. For years, people have been saying that cigarettes are bad for you and second hand smoke is harmful too. However, what exactly is in cigarettes? More importantly, what specific ingredients cause cancer and other illnesses? Here’s an in-depth look at some cigarette ingredients and their harmful effects. ...

Karla News

The Side Effects of Hookah Smoking

Hookah smoking is a growing trend among young people. This practice of smoking through an oversized pipe is rapidly gaining a following as hookah bars open up and cafes and coffee shops dedicate special areas for hookah devotees to enjoy a leisurely smoke. Originating in India, the practice of hookah smoking has spread to the ...

7 Biggest Electronic Cigarette Myths

There are many myths and misconceptions about electronic cigarettes. Let’s seperate fact from fiction. Myth #1 – Electronic cigarettes are a threat to children/teens. FALSE. Where it comes from: Legislators and anti-smoking groups assume that children will be drawn to the “electronic gadgets,” the fruit/candy flavors and ease of access on the internet & mall ...