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White Elephant Gift Ideas for Your Family

White Elephant, White Elephant Gift Ideas, Yankee Swap

White elephant parties are probably one of the most fun parties that you can attend. This is often seen at work parties but some families are picking up on the white elephant theme. The object of White elephant is each person draws a number and that determines who goes first. Who ever draws the number “1” gets to go first and so on. You get to pick a gift from the gift box or you can steal someones unwrapped gift. Everyone has a different variation on how to play white elephant . The basic rules still stay in place. Sometimes there are certain themes to the party which can result in more laughter. The type of gift you buy should be funny. Usually gift cards are not accepted for white elephant . You have to actually go out and buy a gift. You will need to pick out a gift that is appropriate for male or females if you are at a coed party. Other names for the White Elephant game can be called Rob your neighbor, Yankee swap or Grinch exchange. When you do the white elephant gift exchange with family members, the possibilities are endless.

Toilet seat: Get a large box and stuff it with rolled up news paper. Inside the box place a new toilet seat on there. You can get a new one really cheep. I have seen them for as little as $5.00. How many people will expect to receive a toilet seat for a White elephant gift. This will sure be a huge hit and cause a lot of laughter.

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Funny Scrap book: I’m sure you can gather some funny pictures of your family members. You know them kind where the camera always catches you when your not looking and you have some absurd look on your face. Take them pictures and place them in a scrap book. This will not only be funny but also cherished. Try and keep the pictures clean as you can. You would not want to hurt some ones feelings in the end. White elephant is suppose to be fun, not sad.

Leg Lamp- I’m sure this will bring back some memories of the well played out movie, The Christmas story. I know we have all seen this at least 100 times if not more. The dad always loved his leg lamp while everyone else was not so happy about it. This would make a perfect white elephant gift for the family.

Gag box- This is my personal favorite thing to give for a white elephant gift exchange. I love filling these gag boxes and most of the items can come from the dollar store. This way you can get a lot for your money. I did one of these last year and bought a nice size box, filled it with shredded paper. The gifts were soap on a rope, Body wash, tooth paste, a funny animal tooth brush, shampoo, a couple rolls of toilet paper, a foot file, corn pads and zit cream. This box is sure a big laugh. You never know though, the person laughing will probably use most of the things inside the box.