Articles for tag: Dental Hygiene, Teeth Brushing, Tooth Brushing

Karla News

Dental Hygiene Lesson Plan to Help Children Properly Brush their Teeth

Dental hygiene is so important for children to learn. Proper teeth-brushing skills need to be instilled in children from a very young age. This teeth-brushing lesson plan provides a fun and effective visual for how properly brushing teeth using toothpaste and a toothbrush can keep teeth healthy and white. Objective. The overall goal of this ...

Karla News

How to Get Toddlers to Brush Their Teeth–and Enjoy It!

I don’t know about you, but my toddler hated having his teeth brushed. Brushing your teeth is important, but your children don’t care about dental hygiene. A tooth brushing involves being made to stand still and stop playing, having something shoved into your mouth and wiggled around, and tasting something unpleasant and weird. Brushing your ...

Karla News

Tooth Brushing 101: The Proper Technique

Most people brush their teeth on a regular basis, but how do you know if you are using the proper tooth brushing technique? Although dentists often argue over the best methods, there are a few techniques that are universally accepted and widely used. What You Need In order to brush your teeth properly, you’ll need ...

Karla News

Sensitive Teeth Causes, Cures and Remedies

Majority of adults suffer from sensitive teeth. There are many explanations why we get sensitive teeth and what to do about them. Sensitive teeth is a condition that causes a sharp pain when a person is exposed to hot, cold or acid foods or drinks. There are several products which attempt to num the pain, ...

Karla News

4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth

It is no secret that many drinks and foods can stain teeth, such as tea and coffee. People have been searching for years for the perfect teeth whitening remedy for discoloured, yellow teeth. The first thing people need to do is cut out bad habits from their lives which contribute to stained teeth, such as ...

Karla News

Tooth Brushing Importance: Use a Tooth Care Chart for Your Kid

Taking care of our teeth is very important. Adults know how important it is along with the consequences of not brushing regularly. People are supposed to brush their teeth at least two times a day. Dentists would recommend after every meal using an anti cavity tooth paste. Children don’t know what dentists recommend. They don’t ...