Articles for tag: Hills like White Elephants

Karla News

Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants as a Work of Modern Literature

Ernest Hemingway is inarguably one of the masters of American modern literature. His stories and novels are poignant, thorough, and relevant examples of what modern literary works should aspire to be. A case in point is his “Hills Like White Elephants,” a short story in which he profiles a young couple drinking liquor and contemplating ...

Karla News

The Art of Bull Fighting: The Dangerous Summer by Ernest Hemingway

“The Dangerous Summer” by Ernest Hemingway is about a summer of bull fighting in Spain. “Ernest Miller Hemingway was born at eight o’clock in the morning on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois” (Welcome 1). In the nearly sixty two years of his life that followed he forged a literary reputation unsurpassed in the ...

Karla News

A Farewell to Arms: A Fictional Autobiography of Ernest Hemmingway

Ernest Hemingway’s, A Farewell to Arms, though fictional in nature, is based upon non-fictional events that took place over the course of Hemingway’s life. The novel portrays the life a young American man, Frederick Henry, during World War I. Though Henry is an American, he is not enlisted in the American army. Instead, he is ...

Karla News

Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants

Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” leaves so many unanswered questions for its readers. However, once again, Hemingway presents us with two fascinating characters to analyze. The story, which is widely accepted as a story about the possibility of an abortion, presents typical Hemingway’s male and female characters in both dialogue and dilemma. The central ...

Hemingway the Feminist

In many of the short stories by Ernest Hemingway, readers are consistently plagued with the question of whether or not Hemingway hates or loves women. Hemingway is always questioning the value of women and the worth of men retaining relationships with women. Though there are many offhand and negative comments about women in Hemingway’s short ...