Articles for tag: Gag Gifts, White Elephant Gift Exchange, White Elephant Party

Karla News

How to Throw a Successful White Elephant Party

The holidays are fun times to throw white elephant parties. If you do not know what a white elephant party is, that is where each attendee brings a wrapped gift and the gifts are then exchanged at the party. The gift is unknown to the others. Only the person that brought the gift knows what ...

Karla News

Worst and Best White Elephant Gifts

My office had the worst white elephant party I’ve ever attended when it comes to white elephant parties. I work with a bunch of psychiatrics and counselors in a clinic. I am a counselor myself. The way we played the game is by having everyone draw a number between 1 and 17 since there are ...

Tips for Buying White Elephant Gifts

You have been invited to a white elephant Christmas party, now what? White elephant parties are supposed to be funny, entertaining and cheap. My 5 Tips For Buying White Elephant Gifts 1) Remember you have to be around these people after the party. How do you want to be remembered? 2) Buying white elephants gifts ...

Karla News

Office Party Ideas

When you work closely in an office environment it’s natural to want to celebrate every now and then. Here are a few simple ways that you and your co-workers can add a little fun to your work environment without adding any additional stress. Split up Birthday Duty For Peggy’s birthday last year four people baked ...

Karla News

Throw a White Elephant Party to Remember

Here in Arkansas, we would call a White Elephant party playing Dirty Santa. So if you’re from the south, you may not recognize it called the first, but know it as the latter and if you’re from the north, you’ve probably heard it called Yankee Swap. Also, if you’re a fan of The Office, you’ll ...

Karla News

31 Ideas for White Elephant Gift Parties

There are basically three different types of White Elephant Gift Parties, so I’ll take each type (and recommended gifts) one at a time. The best part about this is that you can obtain almost all of these gift ideas at (if you want to plan ahead that far) or from local convenience or grocery ...

Great White Elephant Gifts Everyone Will Fight for

White elephant gift exchange parties are a holiday staple. Some parties specify certain parameters for gifts, but every gift exchange is fun when there are popular gifts that are stolen over and over. It’s hard to predict what will be popular. Often it has at least a little to do with how many drinks everyone ...

Karla News

White Elephant Gift Ideas

White elephant parties often feature insane gifts that no one in their right mind would want to own. If the recipient wants to keep something that they will never use, or that they have to store until next Christmas’ white elephant party, then that is a great gift idea. But, it is just as easy ...