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What is a Flexitarian?

Flexitarian is a fairly new term that has begun to be used over the past 5 years or so. It basically means a vegetarian who eats some meat. However, this definition can be misleading and is also disliked by many vegetarians. The real meaning of a flexitarian is someone who chooses to limit their intake of meat, poultry, fish and animal products while eating a diet rich in vegetables, grains, soy and nuts. The amount of animal proteins and products that are eaten by flexitarians vary from person to person. Some people choose to eat meat only when they are eating out or at a friends house. Others use meat as a condiment or side dish in many meals but eat much less than average. The amount that is eaten is solely dependent upon the individual. Some other terms that are used for flexitarians are semi-vegetarians, part time vegetarians or flexatarians.

So, why would someone choose to limit their intake of meat? There are numerous reasons for this, almost as many as there are flexitarians! This is such an individual choice that it is hard to say exactly why this trend is becoming so popular. Here are three of the top reasons for becoming a flexitarian.

Reasons People May Choose a Flexitarian Diet

Environmental Concerns and Animal Abuses

Many flexitarians may oppose the slaughter and mistreatment of animals for food but feel unable to give up meat entirely. There are also those who understand the adverse affects of meat consumption on the environment and choose to limit their intake of meat to lower these impacts. These reasons for choosing the flexitarian diet are usually made by people who want to be totally vegetarian but feel unable to take that final step for some reason or another.

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Financial Hardship and Frugality

Some people may choose a flexitarian diet without even knowing what the term means. With food costs rising, people are seeking ways to lower their bills at the grocery store. One of the easiest ways to lower food costs is to buy less meat. Buy lowering the consumption of meat in their diets, people are adopting the flexitarian diet and will reap the health benefits as well as the financial benefits.

Health Concerns

The main reason that most people choose a flexitarian diet is for health reasons. A flexitarian diet is much healthier than a diet high in meats. The health benefits of a low meat diet are documented and can be seen in any person’s life. Lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and weight loss are only a few of the ways that a flexitarian diet can be healthier. Many people are instructed by their doctor’s to cut red meat out of their diet, eat lean meats and more vegetables and grains as a way to be healthier. Flexitarians generally have a lower instance of heart disease, diabetes and prostate and colon cancer.

The growing popularity of the flexitarian lifestyle and diet shows an increasing awareness of health and the environment in our world. While this lifestyle choice is growing in popularity, there are some concerns that need to be addressed when making the switch. Being aware of, and accommodating, the need for a balanced and healthy diet is extremely important when adopting an alternative diet such as flexitarianism. Gradual diet changes and healthy eating are the stepping stones for living a healthy flexitarian lifestyle.

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