Articles for tag: Health Concerns for Menopause

Karla News

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Women

A woman’s body is different than a man’s. Therefore, it would make perfect sense that women need different vitamins than men do. Because our bodies are made differently, women need some supplements that men can do without. In this day and age, only 7% of women actually eat healthy enough to not need to add ...

The Top Vitamins for Women

The decision to take vitamins and other supplements is a personal one however; there are several top vitamins for women that are formulated specifically for women’s needs. The top vitamins for women ensure that the necessary minerals are consumed to maintain balanced health and energy levels. One of the top vitamins for women for overall ...

The Stages of Menopause

Women don’t usually think about menopause until early symptoms start to appear. Menopause is not a malady or sickness. There is no reason to feel old or less of a woman when these changes start to take place. Menopause is a normal part of life for every woman, and every woman will experience menopause differently. ...

Facts About Menopause

What do a black bra and your doctor have in common? Menopause of course! September is National Menopause Awareness Month. Where does the black bra figure in here? It is the only thing four women have in common -at first-whilst meeting up in a department store in the play- Menopause the Musical. Four women meet ...

Top Five Prenatal Vitamins

When a woman is pregnant she naturally wants to do what’s best for her and her unborn child. This includes leading a healthier lifestyle and taking her prenatal vitamins. There are a variety for women to choose from. Here is a guide to the best prenatal vitamins out there for pregnant women. 1. Pregnancy Plus ...