Articles for tag: Diet Change, Fiber One, Reduce Belly Fat, Simple Diet

Living with Diverticulitis

I recently was diagnosed with “Diverticulitis”. I have never even heard of it before. Suddenly, people I knew said they had it. I was in a lot of pain for a while. I can handle pain well so I didn’t react as fast as I should of. I ended up in Urgent Care and then ...

What Makes People Fart?

The average person farts about 14 times a day (even us ladies, who claim we have “Barbie butts”), which is the equivalent of about a half liter of gas that we expel through our bodies via our anus. Farting is just a natural thing, caused by excess air we consume when swallowing, by gases passed ...

Emphysema Cure: A Logical Approach

Emphysema Diagnosis: The Nightmare Begins My mother was diagnosed with emphysema in late 2002. I had worked in a hospital more than 20 years earlier and did not remember any emphysema patients surviving the disease. I made sure my mother took all of her medications and performed all of her nebulizer treatments yet, even in ...

Karla News

Natural Cures for Infant Colic

Infant colic can be caused by many things such as eating too quickly, eating the wrong types of food, indigestion or any type of excessive air swallowing. Read on to discover natural cures for infant colic that you can administer easily at home. Symptoms of infant colic include sudden loud crying, pulling the knees up ...

A Dieter’s Review of the Kashi GoLean Diet Plan

Fad diets come and go, but the ones that have a healthy basis, such as the Kashi GoLean Diet Plan, seem to outlast many of the others. The Kashi GoLean Diet Plan is a meal replacement diet plan in which dieters substitute a regular breakfast and lunch with Kashi GoLean products and eat a sensible, ...

5 Tips for Lowering High Triglycerides with Diet

High triglycerides are an increasingly common lab test abnormality, similar to high cholesterol. You can think of triglycerides as fat in the blood. Some cases are genetic, but there are a number of other conditions and lifestyle factors that can cause it. My husband, who loves his junk food and fast food, came home from ...

Walking to Lose Weight, a One Month Challenge!

This article is meant to provide people with a simple plan and motivation and see if they can see some positive results in one month, and if so hopefully continue to do so. I have tried and tested and seen what will work and also gotten many friends and family on this plan with positive ...