The Green Tea Diet has been hailed as a kind of miracle diet whereby people are losing weight by simply drinking a few cups or glasses of green tea every day for months. With today’s hectic lifestyles many people would be interested in the ease of this diet and losing excess pounds by simply adding some green tea to their diets. So the easy weight loss diet has caught on and become a big sensation and green tea bags are available on most grocery store shelves.

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is tea made from the green leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

How does the Green Tea Diet work?

Polyphenols in green tea help people to lose weight by burning calories faster and suppressing hunger. The polyphenols boost the metabolism of fats by the liver (thermogenic effect). The green tea polyphenols inhibit lipase (fat absorption enzyme) in the digestive tract. Drinking green tea helps a person to feel full and control hunger.

Another welcome benefit of the Green Tea Diet is that the tea is natural, without processing or chemicals. The tea leaves are dried without processing or fermentation. Because of the natural condition of the tea leaves the antioxidant, antiviral and anticancer elements in green tea are still active and strong. People are simply drinking a few cups or glasses of natural green tea every day and losing weight.

Green tea leaves have antioxidant catechins which are polyphenols that will prevent cell damage. The antioxidants counteract free radicals that may cause cancer, protecting the body from cancer. Catechins also increase the metabolism so fat is burned faster and pounds are lost. One powerful catechin the plant contains is epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG an antioxidant that deters cancer by averting the damage done by free radicals. EGCG also destroys the cancer cells that already exist in the body.

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Green tea has many health benefits. Green tea is detoxifying. The antioxidants in the tea clear impurities and free radicals from the body. Green tea is used to aid digestion. The natural tea is believed to restore balance to the functions of the body including the blood sugar levels. The tea slows the entry of carbohydrates into the system and blocks the absorption of glucose. Green tea thus helps to prevent diabetes. Drinking green tea also helps to prevent heart disease. Catechins in green tea also have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Studies of green tea diets have shown that people who drank green tea every day for months lost several pounds of excess body fat. Green tea has been shown to induce weight loss in obese people by increasing the oxidation of fat. Studies show that using green tea helps to reduce systolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and body fat.

People may take the green tea as green tea supplements or by wearing green tea patches but drinking the tea is the most common method. Green tea bags can be purchased at most grocery stores. Drinking green tea between meals will help by suppressing hunger. In fact it is recommended that green tea be drunk between meals. To get the healthy antioxidant, antiviral and anticancer benefits of green tea start drinking at least one cup or glass of green tea every day. Make a pot or pitcher of healthy green tea for your family. It will help you have less colds and flu due to the tea’s antiviral and antibacterial properties.