Articles for tag: Egcg, Green Tea Diet, Green Tea Weight Loss, Lipton Iced Tea, Tea Diet

Try the Green Tea Diet

The Green Tea Diet has been hailed as a kind of miracle diet whereby people are losing weight by simply drinking a few cups or glasses of green tea every day for months. With today’s hectic lifestyles many people would be interested in the ease of this diet and losing excess pounds by simply adding ...

Karla News

Ways to Use Green Tea to Loose Weight

It is absolutely true that you can easily shed that weight which you have been carrying around for ages, just by adding green tea to your daily routine..Green tea is regared as an excellent effective remedy to lose weight as it helps in burning fat and boosts metabolism to a great extent. The Caffeine in ...

The Disadvantages of Weight Loss Supplements

With the hundreds to several thousands being spent on weight loss supplements each year from people wanting to speed up their metabolism, their main desire is to be more accepted and more attractive, this goal is being harder to reach by those who are overweight. There are many people who are still having a hard ...

Should You Take Green Tea Capsules?

A variety of studies have demonstrated the potential health benefits of green tea. Green tea contains a variety of powerful polyphenols such as EGCG which are thought to help reduce oxidative damage to cells which can lead to certain types of cancer as well as heart disease. It’s also been shown to have the potential ...

Karla News

Energize with Enviga, New Calorie Burning Energy Drink

Whether you’re a health-conscious consumer, constantly looking for a diet and weight loss aid or a couch potato looking for an easy way to lose weight, Nestle and Coco-Cola have a new carbonated energy drink perfect for the job. Enviga, the lovechild of green tea and sparkling water, is a carbonated green tea energy drink ...