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Top 5 Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis, Cough Remedy, Home Remedy, Hot Toddy, Phlegm

You thought you’d gotten over the cough. Morning comes and you realize your cough is worse than ever. If you are coughing up phlegm and feel as if someone is beating up on your chest, you could have bronchitis. There is nothing worse than when you are sick and need a quick, easy remedy that will help you get through your busy lifestyle. Now, you can use these easy, home remedies for bronchitis that will bring quick relief!

What is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is where you have inflammation in the airways which leads to the lungs. This results in a persistent cough that can be painful as well as coughing up phlegm. When you feel like your chest hurts every time you breathe, this is a strong indication you could have bronchitis.

Soothing your Throat with Bronchitis

When your lungs are irritated or inflamed, the result can be coughing. Keep your head elevated as this can help keep the coughing at a minimum. Try to drink as many fluids as possible, even though it does hurt. Fluids will keep your throat moist and your body hydrated.

#1 Bronchitis Home Remedy

Hot Toddy

What you need:

Herbal Tea


Cinnamon (A Pinch)

Whiskey/Rum (1 tsp.)


There is nothing better than a hot toddy when your throat is aching. To make the hot toddy, boil your water. After the water is boiling, add to a coffee cup. Place your tea bag in the hot water and let this steep for at least five minutes. Now add in the honey, a pinch of cinnamon, and the alcohol. Drink this slowly to soothe your achy throat.

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#2 Bronchitis Home Remedy

Oregano Oil

What you need:

Oregano Oil


Place several drops of oregano oil under the tongue once a day. This is an amazing natural cure that is effective for curing coughs. Oregano oil is another miracle essential oil that will cure many different ailments.

#3 Bronchitis Home Remedy

What you need:

Salt Water


Salt water has the ability to cut through the mucous which is another irritation to your throat. You can gargle with salt water as often as you need to keep your throat from getting irritated.

#4 Bronchitis Home Remedy

Ginger Tea

What you need:


Herbal Tea

Black Pepper


First you want to boil your water for the herbal tea. When the water is ready, pour into a coffee mug and add the herbal tea bag. Let this steep for about five minutes. Now add in a teaspoon of ginger and a teaspoon of black pepper. Drink this at least once to twice a day for the best results as a natural remedy for bronchitis.

#5 Bronchitis Home Remedy

What you need:

Orange Juice


Fruit juice is a proven remedy for bronchitis. Not only will you get vitamins and nutrients from the juice, but the fruit juice is soothing on your throat. Drink as much juice as possible to build your immune system as orange juice has plenty of Vitamin C.
