Articles for tag: Octopus, Salt Water Aquarium

Karla News

Salt Water Aquarium Cephalopods: Octopus for One

How many of you have seen the drama enfold in Disney’s 1954 creation, of the epic story by Jules Verne, “20000 Leagues Under The Sea” ? Where the submarine “the Nautilus” descends to a deep depth only to be pursued by a giant cephalopod and have to try to fight it off or die a ...

Karla News

Top Five Fish to Have in Your Aquarium

An aquarium is a nice way to decorate your home or office, as well as a great pet that does not need a lot of food or help in maintaining their health. This is why so many people are resulting to aquarium’s and fish in order to deliver their want and need for a pet. ...

Karla News

The Care and Feeding of Discus Fish

The colorful discus fish is very popular for fresh water aquariums but it does require some care. Its popularity is due partly to its colors, making the discus fish look more like a tropical fish than a freshwater one. People who don’t want to take the extreme care that a salt-water aquarium takes, find the ...

Karla News

Setting Up a Freshwater Aquarium: What First-Timers Need to Know

Setting up a freshwater aquarium for the first time is a lengthy, albeit rewarding experience. I have set up a few freshwater aquariums of my own over the years and can offer up a few suggestions on how to get the job done. Here they are: Cleaning the Tank Start by thoroughly washing your hands ...