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The Ultimate Burpees Workout

Bodyweight Exercises, Burpee, Burpees, Push Ups

Burpees are one of the best full-body exercises that you can do. They are great because you can do them in a relatively small area and do not need any additional equipment. The traditional burpee consists of a push-up, a squat thrust, and a jump. It will build strength in your shoulders, chest, legs, and abs. Although relatively unknown, the burpee has become more popular since it is a commonly used exercise in cross fit.

Depending on what your goals are, your burpee workout should consist of additional bodyweight exercises inbetween burpee sets. Most people like to set them up as a pyramid, which is a good way to increase conditioning and endurance.

You need to warm up every time before you begin your burpee workout. I prefer to do a half mile run combined with some dynamic stretching for the body parts that will be stressed during the workout. Some good stretches to consider are the leg swing, side leg swing, torso twists, arm circles, arm swings, and toe touches. These will make sure you’re nice and less, and will help prevent injury. Once you’re warmed up, you can begin your workout.

The first stage of the burpee workout is designed to get some blood flowing into your muscles. You should do five burpees and ten push ups at moderate intensity and speed. After completing this section, take a thirty second break and then proceed to do another eight burpees and fifteen push ups. To finish off the first stage, do another ten burpees combined with twenty push ups. By this point your arms should be somewhat sore.

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The second stage is higher intensity. Start off by doing three sets of fifteen burpees, followed by two sets of twenty push ups, and then three sets of five tuck jumps. After completing these, take a short thirty second to one minute break. You should also stretch a little bit during your break, and maybe do a light run or walk. After your break is done do another three sets of ten burpees, then thirty push ups, fifty jumping jacks, and two sets of five tuck jumps.

The final stage will allow your body to cooldown. If you want to perform the circuit again after you complete the final stage, then go ahead. Do three sets of ten burpees and two sets of ten tuck knees. Take a thirty second break and then follow it up with three sets of eight burpees and two sets of ten push ups. Do two fifty meter sprints, come back, and then do an additional fifteen burpees and ten tuck knees.

After you’ve finished working out, make sure to take a short cooldown jog of about a half mile. Once this is done, you can perform some standard static stretching for your arms, shoulders, hamstrings, and whatever else might feel tight. When you get home, consume a fruit and something with a high amount of protein – whey powder in water is a good choice. This will ensure that your muscles are well-fed and will be prepared to do the workout again. You should only perform the ultimate burpees workout three times a week.