Articles for tag: Push Ups, Training Plan

100 Pushups Program: Pros and Cons

Nearly everyone is looking for a way to be healthier, stronger, or better built. The ‘Hundred Push Up’ program tells you that in 6 weeks you could be doing 100 consecutive push ups. Is this possible? What about safe. First off, I will tell you that in the 4 years I took gym in high ...

The Ultimate Burpees Workout

Burpees are one of the best full-body exercises that you can do. They are great because you can do them in a relatively small area and do not need any additional equipment. The traditional burpee consists of a push-up, a squat thrust, and a jump. It will build strength in your shoulders, chest, legs, and ...

Say Goodbye to Flabby Arms!

Do you have flabby arms? If you do, it’s a sure sign that something’s not right: namely flabby arms mean no tone or muscle. It doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t strong or healthy, rather flabby arms mean you’re not doing enough to build up the muscle and burn off the fat. If you’re a late ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments to Get Rid of Flabby Arms

Flabby arms, which have been given the unappealing nickname of “Bat Wings”, are a bane of every woman. Normally, having flabby arms is a symptom of having too much body fat. But, they are also caused when the triceps muscles aren’t toned and built up. If you suffer from this problem, use these homemade treatments ...

Karla News

Nike Push Up Grips – a Must Have for Any Workout Enthusiast

Nike push up grips are simply the finest and inexpensive piece of workout equipment on the market today. We all know that push ups are an essential part of any upper body workout. Normally done on the floor with ones own bare hands push ups (via the up and down motion) exercise vital upper body ...

Karla News

Three Exercises to Tone Your Shoulders – for Women

If you have sloped shoulders or weak arms, than strength training for your shoulders should be part of your weekly routine. With just a few simple exercises, you can get your shoulders in shape in no time and improve your silhouette. Here are three easy exercises for toning your shoulders. Push-ups When I say push-ups, ...

Body Weight Exercise Cardio “Deck of Cards” Routine

Bodyweight exercises can be used to develop an almost ideal cardio routine. They can be done indoors or outdoors, are safe for most people to perform, and require little or no equipment. However, many people who have never wrestled competitively or served in the military are unsure of how to construct a bodyweight exercise routine. ...

Muscle Confusion: The Essence of P90X Routines

I had known about the concept of muscle confusion for some time before studying the P90X routines, but never before had I seen someone so successfully implement it and demonstrate its potential for growth and rapid muscle development. Muscle confusion is a term coined by bodybuilders to describe using exercises in such a way as ...

Karla News

MMA Pro Fighter Guide for Facebook

This is a quick guide for setting up and start playing the MMA Pro Fighter game on Facebook. You will learn how to set up your fighter and play to level 2 with one fight and as set of push ups. Setting Up Your Fighter on MMA Pro Fighter on Facebook Nickname Choose your nickname ...