Articles for tag: Burpee, Burpees

The Prison Workout: A Total Body Exercise Routine

Some prison inmates have nothing but a sink, a toilet, their bed, and a few square feet of space at their disposal. They need an exercise routine that can be done in a confined space without equipment. The “Prison Workout,” as it was nicknamed by some people who saw prisoners without access to weights doing ...

Karla News

The Ultimate Burpees Workout

Burpees are one of the best full-body exercises that you can do. They are great because you can do them in a relatively small area and do not need any additional equipment. The traditional burpee consists of a push-up, a squat thrust, and a jump. It will build strength in your shoulders, chest, legs, and ...

Workout-X Guide to Circuit Training Part 4

This is finale of the 4 part series on circuit training. In closing of this series we will be discussing few key factors involved in successful power circuit training and provide you with sample circuit training work outs. If you haven’t had the chance to read Parts 1-3 in the Workout-X Guide to Circuit Training, ...

Burpees: Everything You Need to Know

They may sound like a baby’s gas attack, but burpees are actually one of the best exercises to combine cardio and strength training. Not only do burpees improve muscle tone, endurance, and overall fitness, but you can do them anywhere, with no equipment required. Why burpees? If you ever watch those prison reality shows on ...

Karla News

Building a Better Cardio Workout: Aerobic Versus Anaerobic

The common mistake that a lot of people make when designing a cardiovascular exercise program is not considering whether what they’re doing is aerobic or anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise that, by definition, works with oxygen. Anaerobic exercise is exercise that works without oxygen. An example of aerobic exercise would be jogging several miles over ...

The Royal Marine Commando Recruitment Process

I have just finished my recruitment process for the Royal Marines! This guide will help you succeed when it comes to your recruitment process. The whole process will take place over four to five months! So look no further, here is a perfect guide to your green beret. Day One The second you decide to ...