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The Perfect Six Pack Abs Plan

Flabby Arms, Six Pack, Six Pack Abs

Getting the perfect six-pack abs is the goal of many people who want a better looking body. Thumbing through fitness magazines, seeing powerful looking athletes, admiring attractive, well built movie stars adds fire to this dream. Making that dream a reality is a totally different story. You see, unless you have some genetic trait, getting a six-pack requires a lot of hard work and a specific diet.

Generally, you have to be down to around 10% body fat before your gorgeous ab muscles will show. Most people concentrate on abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and leg lifts to increase the definition of their stomach muscles. They don’t realize that these exercises alone won’t get them to their goal. Their whole body has to be toned and fit. Just think how funny a person would look with perfect six-pack abs and flabby arms or a sagging rear end. And, as mentioned before the body as a whole has to be down to around 10% body fat.

At the gym or even at home, during an exercise session, target the whole body. This may take several days of rotation depending on the type of routine used. It’s important not to neglect any part of the body. An important part of physical beauty is balance and symmetry. http://www.stripfatproductreview.com has some very
good information on this.

To tone the body, both cardio exercises and weights have to be employed. The cardio is for warming up and for fat burning and the weights continue the fat burning and build lean muscle tissue.

Here’s the secret. After a strenuous weight lifting workout the muscles are starving for protein. A person has about a half hour to get some easy to digest protein into the body to help the muscles recover. By getting this lean protein instead of a candy bar or some fruit the muscles will recover faster and results can be seen sooner. It’s tricks like this that create the perfect six pack abs plan.

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In the gym there are many people in various stages of obtaining their own six-pack abs goal. Some of these people who have worked out will have the perfect, coveted abdominal area, while others, who may have worked out just as hard or harder, don’t have nearly the same success. What is the difference? Need more info go to stripfatproductreview.com

The successful people know what to do and how to do it and when to do it. They also know what not to do. People using an ineffective plan, no matter how well they use that plan, won’t see results. They are just spinning their wheels. There is a specific plan that will yield a body that will melt fat, reveal the most attractive body possible and show off a rock hard six pack.

Here’s another piece of that puzzle that most fitness people neglect, fasting. Most body builders are so into eating that they don’t realize that you can also gain definition by not eating. There is a specific type of full body fast that will flush fat right out. This is not the lemon cleanse, also known as the master’s cleanse.The problem with that cleanse for people building their six pack abs is the lack of nutrition and protein, especially protein.

This cleanse can ruin everything a person has worked so hard to achieve. You see, that cleanse is supposed to continue for 10 days. The body needs a certain amount of protein to function on a daily basis. It won’t get that protein during the lemon cleanse. So, over the course of 10 days the body could start to break down muscle tissue to use for other vital bodily functions. In other words, the body could break down the very muscles a person as slaved to build up. Now, one cleanse won’t make a person look like a 100 pound weakling, but over time, several cleanses could slow down progress.

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Yet, the right kind of cleanse can work wonders. It can make the difference between abs that pop right through the skin and abs that look like they’re hiding in a blanket. A person who really wants those six-pack abs has to know exactly what to do. It can’t be left up to getting a bunch of free tips and ideas. Even these tips, as useful as they are, are only part of the strategy. A solid plan of action has to be put into place. Need more info? Check out http://www.stripfatproductreview.com