Articles for tag: Foods to Avoid

Karla News

Three Foods to Avoid in Your Colombia, South America Travels

Foods, just like languages differ from state to state and country to country. For the most part it’s an exciting culinary experience to try new foods in new locales, but be forewarned that some foods are best avoided. I’ve decided to help you avoid three of the worst Colombian “delicacies.” Don’t blame me if you ...

Karla News

Foods to Avoid If You Have Arthritis

Foods to avoid if you have arthritis include a bunch of the foods you eat on a daily basis. If you have painful arthritis, you may wish to avoid some of these foods to decrease your dependence on over the counter and prescription medicines. It is amazing at how much the foods we eat affect ...

Karla News

Reducing Arthritis Pain and Inflammation Naturally

Did you know that making changes to your diet can help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis? Although there is still no cure for arthritis those who suffer from it will accept any relief they can get. The pain and stiffness associated with arthritis can really slow a person down. Arthritis can interfere with ...

Karla News

Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) leads to a plethora of other conditions related to heart, vascular and organ function. As blood travels from the heart to the arteries, arterial pressure is exerted on the arterial walls. Your blood pressure is made up of 2 numbers, which are the systolic and diastolic, respectively. The systolic pressure represents ...

Karla News

Foods to Avoid If You Have Renal Failure

When a person has renal failure it means the kidneys cannot filter the toxins that accumulate in their body from the things they eat and drink, and the medications they take. Because of the inability of the kidneys to perform this function these wastes build up in the blood system and can cause illness and ...

Karla News

Foods to Avoid While Breast Feeding

There are many woman who discover that they can eat almost anything they like during the breast feeding period. While some strongly flavored foods can change the taste of the breast milk, some babies seem to like the variety of breast milk tastes. However, after eating certain foods and then breast feeding, the baby may ...

Foods to Avoid with Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic bladder disorder that causes severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, urinary frequency and urgency, pressure in the pelvic area, burning upon urination, bladder spasms, and an inflamed and irritated bladder. Other symptoms include muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and allergic reactions. There ...

Healthy Food Choices at a Continental Breakfast

If you’re a frequent traveler, you may be treated to a continental breakfast at your hotel each morning. The traditional Continental Breakfast has evolved from European-inspired pastry and fruit platters to include a variety of cereals, exotic fruits, bagels, and even yogurt. This does give you some flexibility when you’re watching your weight, and you ...