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The Amazing World of Dairy Free Milk Substitutes

Almond Milk Benefits, Dairy, Milk Substitute

There are a variety of reasons that people might avoid dairy based milk. Whether you’re a vegan who wants to avoid animal products or suffer from lactose intolerance making it difficult to digest dairy based milk, there are a variety of good substitutes for milk available to you these days. When people think of non dairy milk alternatives, they usually think first of soy milk. This is only one option in the expanding world of non dairy milks. Here are some delicious non dairy milk alternatives available to you:

Dairy free milk substitute: Soy milk

This is the classic non dairy milk substitute. This milk which some people describe as having a beany taste is made from the nutritious soybean. It’s cholesterol free, low in fat, and has more fiber than dairy milk. It’s also a rich source of protein. Unfortunately, it’s not as rich in calcium as dairy milk with only about 25% of the amount found in dairy milk. Some soy milk manufacturers fortify their soymilks with added calcium to make up for this shortfall. Soymilk is increasingly easy to find and is carried by most general grocery stores and supermarkets these days. You can find both sweetened and unsweetened versions of soymilk as well as fat free formulations. If you’re concerned about calories, you may want to look for low fat, unsweetened soymilk.

Dairy free milk substitute: Almond milk

This non dairy milk alternative is made from almonds giving it a slightly nutty taste and a thin, velvety texture. Because of its nutty flavor it’s ideal to use in the preparation of puddings and other sweet desserts since it adds an additional layer of flavor. Almond milk tends to be a bit more expensive than soymilk and is somewhat harder to find, although most organic markets and health food co-ops have some version of it. Almond milk is high in protein and a rich source of Vitamin E and calcium.

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Dairy free milk substitute: Rice milk

Rice milk tends to be slighty sweeter and thinner in consistency than the other non dairy milk alternatives. Derived from brown rice syrup and starches, it’s usually fortified with calcium. Like almond milk, it works well in dessert recipes and is tasty on breakfast cereal.

Dairy free milk substitute: Oat milk

Some people describe this non dairy milk alternative as tasting like an oatmeal cookie with a light, sweet taste. It’s naturally low in fat and a good source of Vitamin E, calcium, and fiber. It tastes delicious on cereal and is one of the better tasting milk alternatives when served in a glass on its own. This non dairy milk may be a bit harder to find than the previous ones, although you can usually find it at some natural food stores.

Dairy free milk substitute: Hemp milk

This milk is made from the seeds of the hemp plant is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It tends to be a bit thicker and creamier than other milk substitutes with a pleasing nutty taste. It’s an excellent source of calcium, Vitamin E, the B vitamins, and is high protein. It can be found at most natural food markets and can be used on cereals, in desserts, or enjoyed on its own.

If you want to avoid dairy based milks, you’ll find lots of delicious alternatives in the world of milk substitutes. You may never go back to dairy milk again.