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Who’s Who in ‘Paranormal Activity 4’

The wildly popular ‘Paranormal Activity’ film series returns to the big screen just in time for Halloween 2012. The series, which began as an extremely low budget indie film, has morphed into one of the most successful and influential film series in the horror genre. While the style of the film has become the star, the cast remains integral to the ongoing story.

Here’s a look at who’s who in “Paranormal Activity 4.”


Katie (Katie Featherston) is the only cast member that has appeared in each of the four ‘Paranormal’ movies. In the original, Katie was revealed to have been possessed by an evil spirit that led her to murder her husband Micah. In “Paranormal Activity 2” Katie murdered her sister, Kristi (Sprague Grayden) and Kristi’s husband and kidnapped her nephew Hunter.

Paranormal Activity 3″ takes us into the past with found footage of Katie and Kristi as children. We find out that a game of ‘Bloody Mary’ as well as some sort of all female cult left Katie possessed. “Paranormal Activity 4” finds Katie living in the suburbs and raising Hunter, renamed Robbie. The new neighbors immediately begin sensing something strange about them and as the weirdness piles up bad things begin happening to teenage neighbor, Alice (Kathryn Newton).


“Paranormal Activity 4” should shed some light on Hunter’s significance to the overall plot of the series. The choice by Katie to kidnap baby Hunter in “Paranormal Activity 2” became a curious choice in “Paranormal Activity 3” when the female cult was revealed. Why take Hunter if the cult is all-girl? Does Hunter/Robbie have some sort of power that Katie does not? Hunter/Robbie, now played by Brady Allen, is set to take center stage in “Paranormal Activity 4” when the neighbors take him in as a favor to Katie.

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Alice (Kathryn Newton) is new to the ‘Paranormal’ universe. A neighbor to the on the run Katie and Hunter/Robbie, she’s the first to recognize the odd behavior of the new neighbors and, from what we’ve seen in the film’s promotional efforts, the main target of the ‘Activity’ at the heart of the film. Alice’s use of new technology, especially the popular Xbox Kinect is set to play an equally important role.


Alex is Alice’s boyfriend and the audience proxy on the other end of Alice’s webcam. We are set to share the same perspective as Alex for at least a portion of “Paranormal Activity 4” but whether he gets any further involved in the film’s action is something you can only discover by seeing the movie.