Articles for tag: Dreyers, edy's, Low Fat Ice Cream, Vanilla, Vanilla Bean

Product Review: Edy’s Slow Churned Ice Cream

I am always amazed at the quantity of selections and choices available in grocery store shelves; not to mention the enormity of choices for low fat ice cream. I almost always go by the principle ‘everything in moderation’ when it comes to food, and ice cream should be no exception. However, I do take a ...

Karla News

Everything You Didn’t Know About Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla ice cream is America’s top choice out of over five hundred different flavors available today. As the years go by, tastes change and have developed into thousands of combinations. However, Vanilla remains the flavor of choice for most of the population. What makes this flavor so unique? How long has it been available? And ...

Karla News

Warm Baked Apple Crisp the Scent and Taste of Fall

The scent of fall is the smell of warm apple crisp baking in the oven making the home smell comforting and homey. The taste of fall is being able to eat that warm baked apple crisp in a dish topped with homemade vanilla bean ice cream for a delightful afternoon snack or meal. However, in ...

Karla News

Vermont’s Cabot Greek Yogurt Review: Gourmet Yogurt

Cabot Vermont makes a gourmet yogurt that is Greek Style Yogurt. This rich and creamy yogurt is a healthy substitute to your favorite ice cream. The international flavor of Greek yogurt is made by the Cabot Creamery Cooperative in Vermont, which is owned by dairy farmers. This New England dairy is owned by farming families, ...

Karla News

The Greatest Low-Fat and Non-Fat Ice Creams

With a new year upon us, many people are striving to complete their weight loss goals. If you have a weakness for ice cream, dieting can seem even more difficult. The good news is that many ice cream companies offer low-fat or no-fat ice cream options that are reasonably priced and delicious. The best lower ...

Karla News

Activia Dessert Review: A Dieter’s Dream

Activia Dessert flavors are probably supposed to give you the feeling of having Strawberry Cheesecake, Peach Cobbler, Blueberry Cheesecake and, perhaps, a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream. But are they smooth and tasty enough to trick my dieting brain into feeling as though I just came out of the Cheesecake Factory? I was curious ...

Karla News

How to Make Flavored Sugar

Not everyone is Martha Stewart. We can’t all be domestically flawless! But with just a few things from the pantry and a decorative jar you can prepare an original gift. I don’t know about you, but I love getting gifts that I probably wouldn’t buy for myself. Flavored sugar would be one of them. Make ...