Articles for tag: Candida, Monistat, Painful Intercourse, pau d'arco, Vaginal Itching

Natural Ways to Heal Candida

How These Natural Methods Can Rid You Of That Uncomfortable Itch For Good. If you suffer from so many recurrent yeast infections (also called candida), you could practically buy stock in Monistat, this is an article you need to read. The symptoms of a yeast infection are vaginal itching, burning, thick, cottage-cheese-like discharge and painful ...

Common Herbs that Can Cause Liver Damage

Sometimes when we make the attempt to live a more healthy and natural lifestyle our good intentions can get away from us. I know I personally am guilty of shying away from modern medicine in an attempt to live a more naturalistic lifestyle. Herbal supplements have been a part of my life now for the ...

How to Make a Foot Soak to Cure Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the skin. Though anyone can suffer from athlete’s foot, men are most frequently plagued by this irritating condition. The following are four different foot soaks that can be made from natural ingredients to help relieve symptoms and cure athlete’s foot. Athlete’s Foot Soak Number One Pau d’arco ...

Health Effects of Pau D’Arco

Pau d’arco is an herbal supplement derived from the bark of the Tabebuia avellanedae tree. It contains beta-lapachone and lapachol, which have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Pau d’Arco has been used for centuries to treat conditions ranging from yeast infection to cancer and is generally brewed into a tea for its healing effects. Despite its ...

Karla News

Growing Pink Trumpet Tree in Florida

Pink Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia Impetiginosa) is a beautiful ornamental flowing tree that grows nicely in the warm Florida climate. I planted my Pink Trumpet tree as a focal point for the backyard. It’s lovely all year round. A deciduous tree, it loses its leaves briefly in the winter and early spring. Clusters of pink flower ...

Karla News

Yogurt – The Most Popular Home Remedy for Yeast Infections

The most common home remedy for vaginal yeast infections is non-sweetened yogurt that contains active bacteria. Adding yogurt to the diet can also help children and adults with oral thrush, another form of yeast infection, and can be used with men with male yeast infections. Many commercial brands do not contain live acidophilus bacteria, so ...

Karla News

Healthy Home Remedies for Asthma Relief

Asthma is a very common respiratory disease, which attacks the bronchial tubes and the trachea. Asthma affects the asthmatic by attacking the respiratory system, which causes the airways to narrow. This decreases the amount of air that is able to reach the lungs, which makes it very hard for the suffering asthmatic to breathe. Asthma ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Unsightly toenail fungus can be a source of embarrassment and stress for those who unfortunately have to deal with them There are a number of pharmaceutical solutions for this problem however they aren’t without their side affects, some of which include things as harsh as liver damage. Fortunately, there are some very effective anti fungal ...