Articles for tag: pau d'arco

Karla News

Yeast Infections & Candida

Candidiasis is an infection caused by the over-growing of the fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast is common in or on the skin, mouth, penis and vagina, these are areas where a yeast infection can occur. Yeast infections are generally more occurring in women than men. Candidiasis is a parasitic yeast like fungus that inhabits the ...

Leukemia and Anemia

The white blood cells protect the body from infection, but when a white blood cell becomes cancerous it begins to reproduce in an uncontrolled way, so that the cancerous cells replace the normal blood cells. This cancer is known as leukemia, and leukemia left untreated would usually cause a fatal shortage of red blood cells, ...

Karla News

Tea is a Natural Immune System Booster

As winter time approaches and the concerns over the H1N1 virus become more prevalent everyone is looking for ways to naturally boost their immune systems so they stand a better chance of not contracting virus’s and bacterial infections. Tea has long been believed to boost the immune system. It appears that tea contains alkylamines. Germs ...

Best Medicinal Herbal Teas

Do you have taking medicine when you are sick? I know I do because I am very sensitive to over the counter and prescription medicines and prefer natural alternatives that are gentler and healthier for my body and work just as well. Some of the best alternative medicines for common illnesses come in the form ...