How These Natural Methods Can Rid You Of That Uncomfortable Itch For Good.

If you suffer from so many recurrent yeast infections (also called candida), you could practically buy stock in Monistat, this is an article you need to read. The symptoms of a yeast infection are vaginal itching, burning, thick, cottage-cheese-like discharge and painful intercourse.

Though candida yeast can be passed through sexual contact, if you are prone to recurrent infections, your immune system may be compromised due to a few basic factors.

Let’s take a look at some items in your home that may be contributing factors, eliminate them and give you some natural ways to heal candida.


If you’re like most women, you probably use feminine products such as panty liners, pads and tampons, right? The problem with most commercial hygiene products is they are processed with bleach, artificially scented and in the case of pads, have a gel core. Bleach and artificial scents can cause irritation and disrupt the PH balance of delicate areas. Also, the gel core designed to trap and lock in moisture during that time of the month has been reported to increase irritation because it also traps natural moisture suffocating your skin and drying you out.

“Wait. You’re not going to tell me I should use a sea sponge or something are you?”

Not at all. There are, however, organic hygiene products you might want to investigate. I’ve personally used Maxim, 7th Generation and Merry Living. I like Maxim for tampons, 7th Generation for pantyliners and Merry Living for pads since they are very absorbent and their adhesive doesn’t slip. That’s just my opinion though.

See also  Yeast Infections & Candida

The other item in your bathroom you may want to check out is your douche. If you use a scented one or use one often (more than once per week) you’re stripping away your natural moisture which makes your body more susceptible to infection.

Now let’s check your medicine cabinet. Any antibiotics? Chronic yeast has been linked to overuse of antibiotics so if you have used them multiple times, even if it was in childhood, this could be contributing to your candida.


Processed foods, excess sugar and a high alcohol intake will contribute to candida albicans. The best natural way to heal candida is to do a sweep of your cabinets and refrigerator and get rid of all your processed foods, sugary sweets and alcohol and start over. This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever eat a Twinkie again but while you’re body is sick and worn down, it needs proper nourishment to heal. On your next grocery run fill your basket with leafy greens, garlic, fruit (avoid melons and pears, they’re too sugary), cayenne pepper, organic chicken and fish, brown rice, water and green tea. Stay strict on this diet for a month and you should notice a big difference. Then, limit your intake of processed foods to once per week so you don’t end up right back where you started.

While you’re at it, replace your toxic cleaning products. The chemicals in commercial household cleaners have been linked to severe allergic reaction and autoimmune disease. If you’re immune system is compromised, healing chronic candida will be nearly impossible. Instead, pick up a few empty plastic spray bottles, lemon juice, white vinegar and organic liquid soap and mix up your own cleaning spray at home. Not only is this better for your health and the environment, it will save you money too!

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Natural Remedies

If you’re suffering from candida, it’s important to introduce a good probiotic into your diet. Probiotics are the “friendly bacteria” that protect your body from invading organisms, break down food and produce vitamins in the intestinal tract. Get a supplement that either requires refrigeration or reads ‘shelf stable’ on the bottle.

If you suffer from any type of digestive disorder such as leaky gut, celiac or irritable bowel syndrome, you may not be completely absorbing the nutrients your body needs to stay in a healthy balance. Supplementing your diet with a digestive enzyme may help.

Garlic and cayenne pepper are natural antifungals you should add to every dish you cook for the next month to help heal candida.

Pau D’Arco is an excellent antifungal that can be sipped in tea or picked up in supplement form.

Important Note: Do not use Pau D’Arco if you are on blood-thinners or have a bleeding disorder.

Oregano oil is another powerful antibacterial that can be taken orally in capsule form to treat recurrent yeast infections.

You may experience some “die off” symptoms as your body clears out toxins but this is temporary and part of the healing process. It is also important to rotate your antifungals every few days instead of taking them all at once, as this is more effective in killing yeast.

Healing chronic candida could be as simple as making some changes to your diet and environment and supplementing with a few natural remedies. Remember, it took a while for your body to get into this state so don’t be discouraged if your symptoms don’t disappear right away. Once you begin to head in this healing direction, your body should follow suit.

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Note: It is always advisable to consult your healthcare provider before trying natural remedies or if your symptoms do not improve or get worse. If this is your first yeast infection, it is important to visit your healthcare provider to be sure what’s going on is actually yeast related.
