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Summary of Gladiator

“At the height of its power the roman empire was vast. Stretching from the deserts of Africa to the borders of Northern England. Over one quarter of the worlds population lived and died under the rule of the Caesars.

Winter of 180 A.D. Emperor Marcus Arelius’ 12-year campaign against the barbarian tribes in Germania was drawing to and end.

Just on final stronghold stands in the way of Romans victory and the promise of peace throughout the empire.”
• Gladiator-2000-Russell Crowe narration.

Caesar gives Maximus the thrown of Rome after Caesar dies, but Maximus declines and only wants to go back home to his wife and kid. Caesar wanted Rome to be a Republic again and didn’t want his son to be any part of his thrown. Comadous cries to his father, telling him that Caesar doesn’t love him, father and son both cry as Comadous suffocates his father who is Caesar with his body, his hug. Comadous’s sister knows that her brother murdered they’re father, she slapped him twice then kissed her brothers hand and said, “hail Caesar.

They arrest Maximus and sentence him to death because Comadous is a mean and selfish person who wants to become Caesar and knows if Maximus lives then Maximus would become Caesar and not him. Maximus escapes and goes back home were he sees his wife and child both hung. He passes out and as he’s unconscious a tribe finds him and takes him back to Zucchabar Roman Province were they sold him as a slave. A man called Moximo who used to serve under Maximus, buys Maximus and uses him in battle as a Gladiator not knowing that the man that he bought used to be his very own General.
In the meantime, Comadous is Caesar who wants to have sex with his very own sister. Maximus keeps on fighting and winning all of his battles until he makes it big and is able to fight in the Coliseum were no other then Comadous as Caesar sits on thrown. The very same Caesar that murdered his own father sentenced Maximus to death and murdered Maximus’s wife and child. Maximus will fight in the coliseum as a Gladiator and wants to murder Caesar for revenge. He is said to win the crowd so that he can win his freedom. There, Comadous as Caesar sits on thrown with his sister. After Maximus and the rest of the slaves win the battle, Comadous wishes to see this “Spaniard” who is Maximus. Comadous gets pissed off and wants to kill Maximus, but wants the peoples approval so he doesn’t kill him. Instead Comadous waits a while before his army slaughters everyone. Then there’s a fight between Maximus and Comadous but Comadous stabbed Maximus in the chest before the fight so it would look like the great and powerful Caesar won the battle far and square. They both die but before Maximus dies, he makes Rome a republic again.

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Gladiator-2000-Russell Crowe Movie. 154min Color
DreamWorks Entertainment
Directed by: Ridley Scott