Articles for tag: Diplomats, Roman Empire, Scipio

Karla News

The Ancient Art of Diplomacy: A Weapon of the Medieval and Ancient Arsenal

As an American citizen, it’s impossible to watch the news without hearing some kind of reference to diplomacy – be it Barack Obama’s promise to meet America’s enemies in his first year of presidency, Hillary Clinton’s chastising of that naivety, or calls for discussion with Iran and North Korea on their nuclear weapons programs, and ...

The History of Rome Podcast, a Review

The History of Rome is an podcast by Mike Duncan that provides a good overview of the history of Roman Empire. Being a history buff with a particular interest in the intricacies of the history of the Roman Empire, I have found this podcast to be extremely informative and entertaining. It’s more than a simple ...

Karla News

Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire

The Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire were similar. This would be due to the fact that the Byzantine Empire emerged from the Romans when Justinian took rule. These two empires had differences and similarities in religion, political authority, and military. The Romans initially believed in Olympian Gods and Lares, or household spirits. They often ...

Karla News

Greek and Roman Historiography

The development of a Roman historiography grew out of the ashes of the old Greek democratic institutions that preceded its rise. The Romans did not rise from thin air, after all, with dominance by the Etruscans and the influence of Western Greek colonization informing the culture that surrounded Roman imperial beginnings. The Romans were not ...

Karla News

The Forum of the Mighty Roman Empire

In the 6th century BC, the central site of the Forum was a busy marketplace frequented by the citizens of Rome. Over time, the Patricians added temples, and with the growth of the Republic, government buildings eventually covered the hilly landscape that backs up to the famous Coliseum. The monuments and skeletal remains of the ...

Karla News

The City of Corinth: The People, the Geography and Paul

Who is Paul speaking to in 1 and 2 Corinthians? Where is the city of Corinth? What is its significance to Paul and to the Roman Empire? These are questions that I am sure many people who are uneducated about the city of Corinth have, and these are the questions that I will be exploring ...

Karla News

Momentous Contributions of Ancient Rome to 21st Century Civilizations

Bryn Mawr College describes ancient Rome as the era in history spanning 600 years from the first century BC to the fifth century AD. Ancient Rome represents the period in history and civilization when autocratic Emperors ruled Rome and its territories. At the peak of power, the territories encompassed lands in West and South Europe ...

Karla News

Julius Caesar – The Legacy

Julius Caesar is the most well known person in the Roman Empire. Through history, his name is mentioned many times in scriptures, plays, artistic representations and fables. His life left a legacy that is both very interesting and extremely well-known. [1]Julius Caesar revolutionized Rome with his Political, Social and Economic changes. When people hear the ...

Karla News

The Downfall of Ancient Rome

In the ensuing centuries after the Pax Romana, the power of the Roman Empire gradually decreased. In this period, the Roman Empire entered an era of disorder and chaos, which ultimately affected all of Europe. As prices inflated, the economy of Rome began to crumble. Rome also faced social problems, which stole jobs from commoners ...

Karla News

Constantine the Great: Biography

Tradition relates that Constantine the Great was converted to Christianity by a miracle. One evening, in 312 A.D., near Rome, while he was in the midst of a bloody battle with Maxentius for control of the western portion of the Roman Empire, Constantine saw a radiant cross appear in the heavens. Around it was the ...