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Special ‘Salad’ to Induce Labor

Induce Labor, Induce Labor Naturally, Inducing Labor, Play Group

Women are suddenly swearing by this new salad to induce labor naturally. Please remember that unless you are at least 37 weeks, which is considered full term, I would not suggest trying to induce your own labor. You doctor knows what is best for you and for your baby. If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy and you would like to give your baby a little nudge than try this salad.

Taking a head of romaine lettuce, chop it up into pieces that would suit a salad. Vegetables to include would be diced green peppers, dice red peppers, diced onions and diced cucumber. I would also include olives cut in half. After you have all of the vegetables tossed add in two tablespoons of olive oil, and also two table spoons of balsamic vinegar. Mix the salad up and enjoy.

The mixture of the olive oil and the balsamic vinegar are supposed to cause the uterus to contract and induce the beginning of labor. I have not tried this personally myself but actually heard about it from a woman in my daughters play group. She claims Italian food has a way of inducing labor naturally. Personally I believe that oils must stimulate the bowels which have been known to induce labor. Castor Oil is commonly used for this.

With my own personal experience I would try adding two table spoons of castor oil to this salad to give it a better chance of being successful if maybe it doesn’t work the first time. Just like this salad many women will also suggest Castor Oil as a natural alternative to induce labor. Beware however that Castor Oil tastes disgusting. Also after eating the salad go for a long walk. This has also been known to help.

See also  Exercise Balls and Castor Oil -- Risks of Trying to Induce Labor at Home

If you are unsuccessful at trying to induce your own labor and you are past the 37 week mark, I would talk to your Obstetrician about the possibility of inducing labor through medical methods. It is important to get their opinion first to make sure that the baby healthy, in the right position, and properly developed so that they can come out without any complications.