Articles for tag: Induce Labor, Induce Labor Naturally, Inducing Labor, Prostaglandins

Ways to Help Induce Your Labor Naturally

You’re well past your due date, but your baby has yet to make its arrival into the world. You feel like your body is as big as a barn, your back aches, your ankles are swollen, and you’re anxious to hold your newborn in your arms. Your doctor is talking about inducing labor. But, you’re ...

Karla News

Ways to Help Induce Your Labor Naturally

To give birth is a process that can only be described as no other. It is a miracle and a blessing and in some instances scary for some women. There are some ways to induce labor naturally and safely. Some people believe in old school methods while some people believe in current and up-to-date methods. ...

Karla News

What is Lamaze Class?

Chances are when you hear the phrase “Lamaze Class” your simple mind conjures up images of pregnant women sitting around in a circle, breathing fast and pretending to push. Pop Culture, television, and other forms of entertainment have done a great job of misrepresenting what Lamaze class really is. Many men and even some women ...

Karla News

Special ‘Salad’ to Induce Labor

Women are suddenly swearing by this new salad to induce labor naturally. Please remember that unless you are at least 37 weeks, which is considered full term, I would not suggest trying to induce your own labor. You doctor knows what is best for you and for your baby. If you are nearing the end ...

Karla News

How to Induce Labor Naturally

After enduring almost ten, long never ending months of pregnancy, nearly every woman wants to know the secrets of inducing labor. Natural methods of inducing labor go back several centuries and vary from simple physical techniques to using certain herbs to stimulate the body. Several factors should be considered when considering inducing labor. The most ...