Articles for tag: Castor Oil, Chronic Back Pain, Clothes Dryer, Heating Pad

Karla News

Traditional Uses for Castor Oil

The castor plant (Ricinus communis) grows in many parts of the world and tends to grow in tropical or desert climes. Its six-starred leaves with pointy seed hulls are often seen in the southwestern U.S., and throughout Africa and Asia. The castor bean plant and its derivatives have been therapeutically used for thousands of years ...

Inducing Your Labor

So you’re tired of being pregnant huh? Like most pregnant women, you may have reached a point in your pregnancy where you are hot, irritated, uncomfortable, tired of gaining weight and suffering from insomnia. You may have asked your doctor to induce labor, and of course depending on how far along you are, the probably ...

Karla News

3 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Lice

Lice are something that most kids will end up getting at least once during their school years. A lot of adults seem to get it as well although you don’t hear of it as much as you do children. The fact is though adults can pick up lice through the work force and many other ...

Karla News

Topical Uses for Castor Oil

Castor oil is associated with relieving constipation for most of us. Or, we’ve heard of Castor oil to help induce labor in heavily pregnant women just praying for anything to help them give birth. While we know the uses for Castor oil when we ingest it, few of us in modern generations know of the ...

Karla News

Using Castor Oil to Induce Labor

If your in your 40th week of your pregnancy and there is still no sign of baby and the thought of inducing the birth medically does not appeal you may be left wondering if there are any alternative options. The answer is yes, women for many years have been using castor oil as a natural ...