Articles for tag: Breech Birth, Induce Labor, Inducing Labor, Labor Induction, Midwifery

Inducing Labor: Pregnancy and Induction Facts

Even women who have wonderful, healthy and beautiful pregnancies are likely to be tired of being pregnant within a few weeks of their due dates. Feeling heavy, bloated, and tired, these mamas are ready to give birth. In today’s modern world, this situation can easily be remedied: just schedule an induction! In fact, many caregivers ...

Ways to Help Induce Your Labor Naturally

You’re well past your due date, but your baby has yet to make its arrival into the world. You feel like your body is as big as a barn, your back aches, your ankles are swollen, and you’re anxious to hold your newborn in your arms. Your doctor is talking about inducing labor. But, you’re ...

Natural Ways to Induce Labor at Home

When you go past your due date during pregnancy it can become tiring and stressful. Normally, at this point doctors will induce labor and get things going for you. There are natural ways to induce labor at home so you do not have to face the chemical induction which is administered through an IV in ...

Inducing Your Labor

So you’re tired of being pregnant huh? Like most pregnant women, you may have reached a point in your pregnancy where you are hot, irritated, uncomfortable, tired of gaining weight and suffering from insomnia. You may have asked your doctor to induce labor, and of course depending on how far along you are, the probably ...

Membrane Strips for Full-Term Pregnant Women

Membrane strips, or membrane sweeps as they are sometimes called, are a method used by doctors to induce labor. During a membrane strip, the doctor will insert his or her finger into the cervix and sweep their finger around to separate the water bag from the uterus. Membrane strips are optional and a doctor may ...

Reflexology Inducing Labor

The practice of reflexology or acupuncture has been used for centuries. It has only become part of our culture for less than one hundred years. Many nurses that work in labor and delivery have discovered this unique practice and have utilized it within their field of training. There are pressure points in the feet and ...

Karla News

Special ‘Salad’ to Induce Labor

Women are suddenly swearing by this new salad to induce labor naturally. Please remember that unless you are at least 37 weeks, which is considered full term, I would not suggest trying to induce your own labor. You doctor knows what is best for you and for your baby. If you are nearing the end ...

Karla News

An Impatient Society: A Look at Inducing Labor Early

You hear it all the time. A woman goes to her doctor and says, “Doc, I’m going crazy. You got to get this kid out of me now!” The doctor reluctantly says that he’ll see what he can do. The parents, elated that they will finally get to see their precious baby soon, get jazzed ...

Karla News

Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy

For centuries herbs have been used as medicine and the results are often very beneficial. Herbal remedies can be used to treat illness, maintain and promote good health and prepare the body for changes such as those during pregnancy. Much of our allopathic medicine used today came from herbs. Not all herbal remedies are recommended ...