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Shan Yao Supplement for Seminal Emission

Kidneys, Semen, Soba, Udon

Seminal emission is a condition that many men face, especially those living in the modern times, yet do not know much about the causes or have much confidence to ask their doctors. The common misconception is that it is caused by a certain STD. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the condition is related to the health status of one’s kidneys. Shan Yao is an effective herbal supplement that can be taken to support the health of one’s kidneys to restore the proper sexual function.

Seminal emission is a condition when a man finds his semen drips out unintentionally and frequently, without sexual activities. According to traditional Chinese medicine, if the semen emits in a dreamless sleep, it is called a non-dream emission. When the semen emits in dreaming, or even in being sleepless (such as normal activity like urination), it is called slipping emission. They are all categorized under seminal emission.

The kidneys

The kidneys, according to TCM, are the organs responsible for one’s congenital and acquired essence, water metabolism, growth and reproduction. Congenital essence determines one’s constitution such as how well developed or how long one can possibly live, based on what was given from the parents before birth. Acquired essence is from food and nutrition as well as how well the person makes good use of it. Stresses, overwork, malfunctioning of the water metabolism function, poor diet, and excessive sexual activities deplete one’s essence. If not properly and quickly restored, the kidney’s function of water metabolism and reproduction will be affected. Constricting the flow of, as well as preserving semen is one of kidneys’ functions. Thus, a person who has a problem of seminal emission means that his kidneys are weakened. Having seminal emissions is one of the sure sign that the person will be subjected to a host of other male sexual problems later such as erectile dysfunction and even impotence.

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Shan Yao

Shan Yao is the Pin Yin (Chinese medicine) name for the botanical name of Dioscorea opposita. Shan Yao can also be called Chinese yam, Japanese mountain Yam, or Korean yam. This delicious wild yam has a pleasant and mildly sweet taste that can be eaten raw. It is one of the ingredients to for Japanese udon or soba noodle dish. The jelly-like substance from the yam by grating has also been used in the past as a sexual lubricant for males.

Shan Yao as medicine

As a medicine, it is the root of the tuber that is used in Chinese medicine to tonify the Qi (generally to strengthen one’s overall energy). Due to the modern lifestyles, many people, especially men who also include sexual activities on their busy list, suffer from lack of qi, especially that of kidney qi. The herb Shan Yao works on the channels of the spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Spleen is responsible for transformation of food and fluid into qi. Lungs are responsible for the distribution of qi. The healths of these two organs greatly affect the health of the kidneys. Thus, if one depletes his kidney essence, one must also tonify his spleen and lungs at the same time. Having a tonifying effect on all these three organs, Shan Yao, besides for seminal emissions, is also great for:

-poor appetite

-chronic diarrhea

-vaginal discharge


-shorthness of breath

-dry cough

-frequent urination


As a contraindication, Shan Yao should not be used for those who has a liver heat condition, or damp-heat in lower jiao such as urinary tract infection. Under decoction form, the dosage is usually 9 to 15 grams. However, it is best to consult with a Chinese herbal medicine practitioner for the appropriate dosage and combination with other herbs. As a supplement, one can now order online in pill form or as a tea under lower dosage. It is more convenient as well as less expensive. One can also eat more food containing this yam as an ingredient, such as Japanese udon and soba noodles.