Articles for tag: Itching Skin, Kidney Disease, Kidney Function, Kidneys

Karla News

Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidneys are essential organs that filter the body fluids and clean waste from the system. Chronic kidney failure is the gradual loss of the filtering ability of the kidneys. When kidney function is impaired, fluid and waste can accumulate in the body. There may not be many symptoms in the early stages of kidney disease, ...

How Common Are Cysts on Your Kidney?

A cyst is a general term for a fluid-filled sack that forms on an organ or part of the body. Cysts can be harmless, or filled with a wide variety of bacteria and nastiness. For reasons that are not well understood, the kidneys are particularly susceptible to growing cysts, especially as a person gets older. ...

Karla News

Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The most important thing to remember about Kidney Disease is that your kidneys are not solitary organs. When your kidneys are harmed or begin to malfunction, other organs are severely affected, which is what makes Kidney Disease so dangerous. They kidneys themselves perform a vital function – removing wastes and toxins from the body via ...

Glomerulonephritis Kidney Disease Explained

Glomerulonephritis is a serious and chronic kidney disease in which the glomeruli of the kidneys become inflamed. The glomeruli plays a role along with the nephrons, to remove wastes from the blood. The exact cause of glomerulonephritis is not exactly known, but the immune system, some researchers feel, can play a role in the destruction ...

An Overview of Parenchymal Renal Disease

Renal refers to the kidneys and there are basically two sub types of renal medical conditions, vascular and parenchymal. Vascular refers to medical conditions that involve the blood vessels and parenchymal refers to medical conditions involving the tissue, therefore renal parenchymal disease refers to diseases that involve the kidney tissue. There can be parenchymal disease ...

Ten Foods that Affect Your Kidneys

The kidneys aren’t an organ most of us think of very often, especially not when it comes to diet. The heart is a much more likely target for dietary considerations. However, what you eat can have an affect. Avocados: While the heart healthy monounsaturated fat of avocados might be healthy for your kidneys, the amount ...

Common Causes of Kidney Pain

There are a few different common causes of kidney pain. Although you should always see your doctor for any moderate to severe kidney pain, knowing what causes the pain in the kidneys can help you be better prepared for what you may be up against. Where is Kidney Pain Located? Before you can even know ...

Karla News

Shan Yao Supplement for Seminal Emission

Seminal emission is a condition that many men face, especially those living in the modern times, yet do not know much about the causes or have much confidence to ask their doctors. The common misconception is that it is caused by a certain STD. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the condition is related ...