Articles for tag: Japanese Food, Sashimi, Soba, Udon

Karla News

Traditional Japanese Food: Three Foods Foreigners Don’t Like

Being a culturally sensitive individual, I don’t want to say that Japanese food is disgusting. The world is a better place because of sushi, and I cannot think of a food better than ishi yaki imo (a sweet potato you can buy from street vendors) for a cool autumn evening. That said, there are traditional ...

Karla News

Shan Yao Supplement for Seminal Emission

Seminal emission is a condition that many men face, especially those living in the modern times, yet do not know much about the causes or have much confidence to ask their doctors. The common misconception is that it is caused by a certain STD. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the condition is related ...

Karla News

Five Japanese Weight Loss Secrets

The Japanese have one of the lowest rates of obesity in the world. Of course, that could change very quickly as McDonald’s gains a foothold. It may be tempting to attribute their lower rate of obesity to genetics, but when Japanese residents come to America and adopt American eating habits – most gain weight. Obviously, ...

Karla News

Eden Organic Foods: A Safe Bet for Quality Food

What began as a natural food co-op in Ann Arbor, Michigan, back in 1968, has now become a mass retailer of organic products that sits on 26 acres of organic gardens. Their catalog offers products ranging from soymilk to beans, pasta, teas, snack foods and juices among many others. Their products are very unique and ...