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Product Review: Six Second Abs


Six Second Abs is a product you may have seen on informercials late at night and wondered if it actually worked or not. My mother purchased one and only used it a few times so when I asked her if I could have it she was more than willing to part with it. I was skeptical at first as well. Previously, I had been doing 100 crunches with an Ab Rocker on the mats on the floor at the gym. I know some people really mind getting on the floor to do their crunches, but I don’t. The part I minded was laying on the mat that people sweat all over and then wipe off with some mystery vinegar solution. Anyway, I replaced my crunches at the gym with Six Second Abs at home. The Six Second part of the name is a little misleading. Your entire workout won’t take six seconds, each crunch will. The program recommends that you do six sets of 10 crunches each. This means your ab workout will take about six minutes.

The product allows you to sit up in a chair while you use it. I would imagine this would be nice for older people and those with back problems who find it difficult to get on the floor. You hold the top part of the object in your hands and place the bottom on the top of your thighs. Both ends are padded for comfort. Then you simply contract your stomach muscles and lean forward. Since the machine is there, it keeps you in the right position to get maximum benefits. As you crunch forward, you will hear three clicks in a row. You should time it so there is one second between each click. As you straighten back up you will hear the same three clicks. The same second rule applies. This is where it gets its six second abs name from. To target my lower abs more, I lay on the floor on my back and bring my knees up toward my chest with the machine in the same position.

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The machine comes with adjustable reisistance bands which go from 15 to 55 pounds. I’ve been using it for months and still cannot handle the most resistance so I’m sure it will continue to grow with me for awhile. It also comes with an instructional video and an eating plan. The plan is for 1200 calories a day. They also recommend that you do 30 minutes of exercise a day. While the diet and exercise will obviously help you to lose weight to reveal the ab muscles beneath the fat, I do believe that Six Second Abs gives a good workout itself. I feel my muscles working harder than they did when I was doing traditional crunches on the floor. I have definition in my abs that I have never seen before. I would recommend this product to anyone looking to strengthen their abdominal muscles to look better or ease back pain. It is an effective product.