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Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola Review

Granola, Healthy Granola, nature's path, Organic Cereal

I don’t particularly like to spend a long time at the grocery store when I am shopping for my groceries so I’ll quickly pass the portion of the store and the aisle that doesn’t have something that I intend on getting on that shopping trip. When I am in the cereal aisle of a grocery store I will often pass over looking at the majority of the breakfast cereals and move over to the organic cereal section. From here I usually will have my eye on the organic granola cereals. One organic granola that recently caught my eye was Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola. I had seen many different kinds of granola cereals on the shelf but this was the first time that I had seen a hemp granola. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to try it. I wondered what the taste would be like as well as what the nutrition facts of a hemp granola would be like.

A quick glance at the nutrition facts of Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola showed me that this was a pretty healthy granola. I have seen granola cereals that had more than two hundred calories but this one only had one hundred and forty calories, and the calories that it had from fat were forty five in every serving. The sodium was very low with only twenty five milligrams in a serving. There was three grams of both protein and fiber and the serving contained five grams of sugars and twenty grams of carbohydrates. In the minerals and vitamins section I am use to seeing a standard two percent next to calcium, which was the case with this granola too, and six percent next to iron but this granola listed eight percent next to iron. I poured myself a bowl wanting to try out this cereal.

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As I examined the bowl of cereal that I had poured I could see that the granola contained oats, crispy rice and loose seeds which I later discovered to be both hemp and flax seeds. It offered a nice crunch and an overall good taste. It was hearty but it was still really good, I enjoyed it very much. Next I scanned the ingredients of the granola. The ingredients of Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola are organic rolled oats, organic evaporated cane juice, organic soy oil, organic brown rice flour, organic flaxseeds, organic hemp seeds, organic oat syrup solids, sea salt, organic molasses and rice bran extract. I was disappointed to see that the second ingredient was sugar and the third ingredient was soy oil, but overall I could not really complain about the ingredients. In fact there wasn’t really anything that I could complain about when it came to the granola in general.

When the Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola had caught my eye, lucky for me it was on sale. A granola cereal that is normally more than four dollars for an eleven and a half ounce box was only two dollars and fifty cents. The box only contained about ten servings, which were only a half of a cup each. This seemed smaller than what I put in a bowl because the granola was all eaten up before I had ten bowls of it. I would recommend for anyone who enjoys granola to give this granola a try. If you like super sweet granola cereals you may be a bit disappointed but if super sweet isn’t the taste that you are looking for you probably would really enjoy this cereal. I wouldn’t recommend stocking up on it until you know that you like it. If it goes on sale again I can see myself getting it again.