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Why You Should Be Eating Hemp

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a very old plant that has been used by humans for centuries. The Chinese are the earliest recorded count of hemp usage from 4000 BC. Most people have a high regard for hemp and respect it quite a bit because of its extreme diversity. Hemp can be manufactured and shaped into almost anything. It’s edible, wearable, and versatile; its fibers and grains can be used in many ways. Hemp is sometimes considered a billion dollar crop because of its features. You can create flame retardant plastic, rope, medicine, food, clothes, and it’s even used to remove nuclear waste from hazard sites in Japan, and Ukraine.

How Does Hemp Grow?

Hemp has always been coined the best plant for its ability to be versatile and used in many ways. Industrial hemp grows quite quickly; it can take up to 4 months for a very large crop to be finished. It can grow up to 2-4m high without branching; it doesn’t need pesticides or any sort of herbicides. It produces more material than almost every other plant that we use for pulp. Trees don’t cut it anymore. Hemp is a superior crop when it comes to producing pulp for wood or paper. It can go through 2 harvests in 1 year. To make even more yield and hemp paper lasts twice as long as normal paper.

What Is Inside Hemp?

Hemp is a very nutritious plant; its seed can be eaten and used in many ways. The protein value of hemp is second to that of soybeans. Its protein however, differs from soybeans; it’s more digestible protein. Hemp protein doesn’t contain something called trypsin inhibitors, which block absorption. Hemp seeds are made up of 65% globulin protein edestin, which is only found in hemp; it aids digestion. And 35% Albumin which is another excellent quality protein from egg whites. Hemp also has all 20 amino acids and 8 essentials that our body cannot create. It contains 80% polyunsaturated fatty acids or the “Good” fats and 10% saturated fats. Hemp also contains 3% soluble fiber and 27% insoluble fiber. Hemp has a perfect balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 found inside them for human health.

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What Does it Do?

According to hempbasics.com,
Benefits of consuming Hemp Seed & Oil

• Excellent source of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, 6 and GLA
Lower blood LDL cholesterol levels
Lower blood pressure
• improve cardiovascular circulation & function
• Improve organ function
• Improve immunity levels
• Increased energy levels & metabolic rate
• Reduce symptoms of PMS & menstrual cramps
• Reduce inflammation and the symptoms of arthritis
• Improve recovery of muscles after exercise
• Reduce & treat dry skin and hair conditions
• Reduction of many degenerative diseases through preventative measures

How do You Eat Hemp?

Hemp can be bought as seeds or you can also buy the oil. Sometimes you can find a baker that also makes hemp bread. If you want to buy hemp butter you can also do that on websites like Manitoba Harvest or on Nutiva. You have to also look on Amazon. Amazon is the best place to buy hemp seeds or hemp oil. Check out the prices they have online. I also have some hemp seeds below if you want to look at the nutritional facts on the back. It’ll show you some great information. You may be able to find hemp pasta online on Amazon; it’s very common since bread and pasta are very popular. Hemp has many great benefits, some of which are just simple like eating or maybe it’s more complex like treating inflammation but it’s a plant that everyone can benefit from.


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