Articles for tag: Antibiotic Use, Gluten Free Pasta, Indian Curry, Leaky Gut Syndrome

Karla News

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome in Children

“Mommy, my tummy hurts.” Hearing this from your child could mean a variety of different things. She’s had too much candy. He ate something that didn’t agree with him. However, if stomach complaints are common and coupled with other specific symptoms, your child could have leaky gut syndrome. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? In a ...

Digestive Enzymes – Why Everyone Should Take Them

Digestive enzymes are essential for life all cells require enzymes to survive and function. Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body and are vital to the body’s ability to correctly break down and process the food we eat. As a body ages, enzyme production decreases. Many people do not realize that not being able to ...

Karla News

Parasites Infestation in Children

Parasites in children are no fun; they create havoc in the intestine causing various medical issues to occur. Some parasites live in the bowels and can reside there for a long time before being detected; they tend to multiply at a rapid rate and can spread up into the stomach cavity causing parasite infestation in ...

Karla News

Feel Bloaty? 9 Foods that Make You Bloat

Bloating is a very common symptom that people often experience after eating a meal. The bloating is usually felt in the lower part of the abdomen and sometimes in the upper section. Bloating usually feels as if there is pressure being applied from the inside and people often report that they can look up to ...

Karla News

Learn How to Heal Leaky Gut Naturally

In a person with leaky gut, the stomach lining is more porous than it should be, allowing protein molecules to slip through the gut and enter the blood stream where it causes an autoimmune response. People with leaky gut often experience chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, cramping, brain fog and poor food absorption. Leaky gut ...

Toxic Bowel and Bad Breath

The following information has been gathered and compiled over a period of years, through personal experience, while traveling, teaching classes that include T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, herbal information, martial arts and other health related subjects. The article also contains feedback from students and anecdotal information from readers of my columns. The following are my opinions ...