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Natural Makeup Removers

Makeup Removers, Natural Alternatives, Natural Makeup

Traditional makeup removers can be harsh and irritating, especially if you have skin sensitivities or allergies. In truth, it does take substantial chemicals to successfully remove makeup, hence the caustic and abrasive nature of these products. With homemade or natural alternatives, however, it is possible to achieve the same results without the drying or irritating effects of some store-bought removers.

Remove Makeup In the Kitchen

Some of the natural alternatives to chemical-based makeup removers may surprise you. Head to the kitchen and open the fridge, where you’ll find plenty of dairy products that will do the trick. Milk and yogurt are both soothing, emollient removal agents that work quickly and thoroughly on the skin. Dip a cotton ball into the milk or yogurt, says Become Gorgeous, and simple massage it onto the skin. Rinse with water. Your skin will be smooth, soft, and makeup free!

To make milk work on that tougher makeup, try adding some cucumber. Peel and make into paste a cucumber and add about a half cup of milk. Let the mixture simmer on the stove for about ten minutes. Soak cotton balls in the cucumber and milk mixture and wipe off your makeup. Rinse it with water and you’re all set. If you make more than you need, store it in the fridge and use it for up to one week until it’s gone.

For a conditioning mask for extra-sensitive or dry skin, mash a banana and mix in 4-5 drops of milk. Smooth the mask onto your face and leave for 8-10 minutes, then wash it off. It’s an easy, inexpensive alternative to costly chemical masks and will both remove your makeup and condition the skin.

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Olive oil is another great natural makeup remover, especially for tougher eye makeup. Use about 2-3 tablespoons and some cotton balls. Leave the olive oil on your eyelids for about 3 minutes to give it time to breakdown the makeup, extra time for waterproof formulas. The added bonus? Become Gorgeous advises it will condition your eyelashes while it’s working.

Other Natural Alternatives

There are some great makeup removers already sitting in your medicine cabinet as well. Some aremuch more effective on the tougher makeup formulas too. Instead of trying to track down organic, green, or all-natural removers, try some of these tips:

  • Baby oil is perfect on eye makeup. Use a tiny bit on a cotton ball, because less is more with this product. Avoid using baby oil on the whole face, however.
  • Aloe vera and jojoba oil make a perfect mixture that is gentle but effective. Mix one cup of 100% aloe vera gel with a half-cup of jojoba oil and use a cotton ball to apply it.

Other great makeup removers include almond milk, lemon juice and rick milk, or green tea with rice milk.All of the above options are a safer, healthier alternative to traditional store-bought makeup removers. With added benefits like skin conditioning and moisturizing, these natural choices are even better for your skin and perfect to use every day.



Become Gorgeous. Homemade Natural Makeup Remover Recipes.
Bright Hub. 10 Natural Makeup Removers You Probably Already Own.

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